Marriage in the Doric

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Marriage in the Doric

Post by AnneM » Mon Nov 03, 2008 8:41 pm

A news story recently published in The Times amused me. There is a chap who wanted a civil ceremony of marriage but wanted it performed in North East Doric (which version not specified). Evidently the chief registrar in Aberdeen refused his request. He was not happy as the Scottish Government has identified Scots as one of the official languages in Scotland. (Which version again not specified).

To cut a long story short he finally got a registrar in Ellon in Aberdeenshire to perform the ceremony. As it happens I know that lady and must get the low down on the Doric ceremony from her when I next see her! ... 051742.ece

Researching M(a)cKenzie, McCammond, McLachlan, Kerr, Assur, Renton, Redpath, Ferguson, Shedden, Also Oswald, Le/assels/Lascelles, Bonning just for starters

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Post by Moray_Lass » Tue Nov 04, 2008 9:52 am

Let ma guess, the Abirdeen Manny wisna fae there? A hope he gits his finners rapped fir it :lol:

[cough] It is hard to type the way you think when you got your fingers rapped at school for speaking it. I think this couple is great for standing by their guns :D

Parental -
Moray, Bellie/Boharm:- Symon, Thomson, Davidson, Gordon, Laing, Dick, Thom, Geddes.
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Post by LesleyB » Tue Nov 04, 2008 1:31 pm

Aye, me too. Good on them! =D>
('though Ah dinnae dae the doric, ken. Ahm further sooth)

Best wishes

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Post by AnneM » Tue Nov 04, 2008 8:07 pm

I'm afraid I can't do Doric either and even after more than 20 years in the NE don't always understand it. I still cope better with Lallans. Having said that, I have to admit that my first language is undoubtedly English!! :oops: though I occasionally baffle my husband by coming out with a word, phrase or construction which is clearly indigenous.

I agree if that's what the couple wanted it was well done of them to hold out for it. Why not after all. There would be a real commotion if someone was refused a marriage ceremony in Gaelic.

Researching M(a)cKenzie, McCammond, McLachlan, Kerr, Assur, Renton, Redpath, Ferguson, Shedden, Also Oswald, Le/assels/Lascelles, Bonning just for starters