Contacting TalkingScot
If you need to contact us because you have problems with the site, logging-on difficulties or problems with membership, please use the address and be prepared to provide the following information:
Your membership name. Not your actual name, but the name you post under.
The date you joined. If you are trying to become a member, the date you attempted to join.
Clear details of the problem or matter you wish to discuss
If you have forgotten your password, log in with your user name, and click on 'I have forgotten my password'. Your password will be sent to the email address from which you registered.
Please do NOT send us your password.
This is known only to you and the system. Like a bank PIN code, we do not have access to, or need to know it, but do please remember it. Always remember it is case sensitive so if you’re having difficulties logging in make sure your 'Caps Lock' key isn’t the culprit!
Any email contact of a genealogy nature cannot be guaranteed an acknowledgement or a reply.
TalkingScot Admin Group
Contacting TalkingScot
Moderator: Global Moderators