Useful Sites

Pacific and Antarctic Ocean

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Joined: Sat Dec 11, 2004 9:47 pm

Useful Sites

Post by DavidWW » Sun Feb 12, 2006 4:51 pm

In addition to sites listed under the other Tabs alongside "forum" on the home page on this site, the following could be of interest.

There is a list of burials/funerals in the SMH post 1970. If you can find one of the family on this list - they do have a lookup service if you have no access to the papers ... dpskcd.htm The notice may list family members and indicate a location for the family.

The australian white pages (search NSW metropolitan) may then give some clues.

The Telegraph - another Sydney newspaper, has a column for finding folks called "In Search. I can't remember what it is called (I don't live in Sydney) but the newspaper is online at

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Location: Scotland

Post by LesleyB » Sun Oct 29, 2006 10:42 pm

Links from karenmcc, Australia

The State Library of Queensland

Logan Library, Brisbane, Queensland