Gavin Gordon.....

Looking for Scottish Ancestors

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Gavin Gordon.....

Post by Patsy » Mon Sep 05, 2005 5:53 am

I've just joined so hope I have picked the right board to ask my question.
One of my ancestors was born in Ayr 1901 and was named Gavin Muspratt Gordon Brown. He died in 1970 in London, it seems straighforward so far but I believe he was known as Gavin Gordon singer, actor, composer seemingly a man of many talents. I wondered if anyone had heard of him. I found an obituary in The Times Newspaper (London) but other than his birth date there were no personal details which would confirm that he is the same person. I'm hoping that because he was born in Scotland he was known there and maybe someone has some information on him. I'm 99% sure they are one and the same person BUT........ Any help would be appreciated.


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Post by WilmaM » Mon Sep 05, 2005 9:32 am

Welcome to TS 8)

A google search brought up this on

Gordon, Gavin Muspratt 1901-1970 Scotland, Ayr - ?,?
L] Suite The Rake's progress. Ballet London 1935
BBC Concert Orch / Barry Wordsworth

Be careful not to confuse him with the Gavin Gordon, film actor also born in 1901 - but in Mississippi , he died in California 1983.

That middle name MUSPRATT surely came from somewhere :shock: has some more:

Finally we come to the Scotsman Gavin Gordon, born in Ayr in 1901 (he died in 1970), but educated south of the border at Rugby and the Royal College of Music where he studied with Vaughan Williams.

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Post by Patsy » Mon Sep 05, 2005 10:00 am

WilmaM wrote:Welcome to TS 8)

That middle name MUSPRATT surely came from somewhere :shock: has some more:

Finally we come to the Scotsman Gavin Gordon, born in Ayr in 1901 (he died in 1970), but educated south of the border at Rugby and the Royal College of Music where he studied with Vaughan Williams.
Hello Wilma
I had found similar information by using google but again nothing personal to indicate that he is who I hope he is.
The name MUSPRATT is his mother's maiden name, she was Hildgarde Muspratt of Liverpool and his father was Frank Gordon Brown. My gut feeling tells me he is one and the same but I want something more substantive to hold up as a source.
Thanks for your help.

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Post by DavidWW » Mon Sep 05, 2005 1:00 pm


Who is the informant on the 1970 English death certificate?, - does this give any tie-in to other records? (I'm assuming that English death records from that year, similar to earlier years, give no info on the parents.)

With the name MUSPRATT occuring in the birth record and one of the biographical entries that Wilma found, as well as the other elements of the name, together with the matching years of birth and death in the biographical entries, I'd up that 99% to 99.9% :!:


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Post by JustJean » Mon Sep 05, 2005 1:14 pm

Hi Patsy

In raking through Google once again for any references..... on this page

you will find this quote:

"The overture The Bird Actors began simply as an overture for piano duet, written in 1925 and dedicated ‘To G M Gordon Brown’; this was his fellow-student Gavin Gordon, best known for his ballet The Rake’s Progress that Lambert was to introduce with the Vic-Wells Company"

If you have proof that Gavin Gordon's birth name was Gavin Muspratt Gordon Brown there can be little doubt this duet dedication was to one and the same......

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Gavin Gordon

Post by Patsy » Mon Sep 05, 2005 10:29 pm

JustJean wrote:Hi Patsy

In raking through Google once again for any references..... on this page

you will find this quote:

"The overture The Bird Actors began simply as an overture for piano duet, written in 1925 and dedicated ‘To G M Gordon Brown’; this was his fellow-student Gavin Gordon, best known for his ballet The Rake’s Progress that Lambert was to introduce with the Vic-Wells Company"

If you have proof that Gavin Gordon's birth name was Gavin Muspratt Gordon Brown there can be little doubt this duet dedication was to one and the same......

Best wishes

Thank you Jean that google reference says it all. I hadn't come across that one, could be my googling skills. Couldn't be clearer could it.
Thanks to all who responded :P


Henry Scott
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Post by Henry Scott » Sun Dec 24, 2006 4:38 am

Hi Patsy

I have only just seen your post. Gavin Muspratt Gordon Brown (born Ayr 1901) and Gavin Gordon (cartoonist, singer, actor and composer of the ballet score for the "Rakes Progress") were certainly one and the same person. He was my uncle.


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Re: Gavin Gordon.....

Post by HenryRoche » Mon Oct 06, 2014 10:02 pm

Dear Henry Scott,
Could you please kindly contact me about Gavin Gordon - I've been trying to find his son Nick Gordon-Brown. Henry Roche, Wimbledon UK - (tried to send you a private message on this site but it wouldn't let me.)