Let’s Go Shopping!
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Re: Let’s Go Shopping!
I forgot to add the story about the lady blown over a cliff.
John O'Groat Journal (Wick), Thursday, December 10, 1863
A YOUNG lady of Aberystwith has been blown over the cliffs, but, thanks to her crinoline, which acted again as a spanker boom sail, she alighted safely on the sands after her aerial voyage.
Not much detail there, but it appears the cliffs at Aberystwith are quite impressive.
The spanker boom sail is the one at the stern. https://cnx.org/resources/d5acdaf1296bc ... /sails.png
There could be the makings of a limerick in that one.
John O'Groat Journal (Wick), Thursday, December 10, 1863
A YOUNG lady of Aberystwith has been blown over the cliffs, but, thanks to her crinoline, which acted again as a spanker boom sail, she alighted safely on the sands after her aerial voyage.
Not much detail there, but it appears the cliffs at Aberystwith are quite impressive.
The spanker boom sail is the one at the stern. https://cnx.org/resources/d5acdaf1296bc ... /sails.png
There could be the makings of a limerick in that one.
- Posts: 3924
- Joined: Fri Jun 22, 2007 3:20 am
- Location: Australia
Re: Let’s Go Shopping!
Thanks everyone,
Seeing it’s almost Halloween, it’s probably a good time to do some Halloween shopping.
Aberdeen Journal, November 1, 1932
Elgin school children yesterday observed the Halloween custom of “raiding” the principal shops in the town in search of nuts and other seasonal fare.
At the school lunch hour the streets resounded to the lusty call of “Eely ’ol ’ol,” and many shopkeepers generously responded.
In the evening bands of masqueraders paraded the streets and visited houses in the traditional manner.
That’s all I could find for Halloween shopping, so, I guess we’ll just have to do some Christmas shopping, even if it is much too early.
Evening Telegraph, Dundee, Thursday, Nov. 29, 1928
By a Dundee Reader.
There is an interesting character in Miss Rose Macaulay’s last novel, “Keeping Up Appearances,” whose views on the Christmas shopping problem are interesting.
To this young man the prospect of fighting his way through the crowded shops at Christmas time so appalled him that he sought an easy alternative. He found that alternative not in shopping early, as we are now advised on all sides, but in shopping late.
This ingenious young man waited till the Christmas rush and even Christmas itself was over before he did his shopping. Then, with the all but deserted shops to himself, he bought his Christmas presents at his leisure.
In theory this method of Christmas shopping appears to have advantages. For one thing, it might do something to solve the parallel problem of deciding who are entitled to expect presents from us. Having received all our own presents we could, working on this principle, know exactly where to give.
Actually, however, there is nothing to recommend this system. It always has been, and always will be, best to shop early. Then the selection is better, the shop assistant and the purchaser less harrassed, and it is easier, shopping at leisure, to decide how much one ought to spend.
Indeed, that is for me one of the attractive things about getting my Christmas shopping done early.
Every year for the past three years, I have begun my Christmas shopping about the middle of October, before the shopkeepers had actually invited us to begin. In this way, I was able to make my purchases gradually, beginning with such things as books and toys for children and ending up with more personal presents for grown-up friends.
Buying thus slowly, I find the expense of Christmas presents. has become scarcely noticeable. At one time Christmas shopping meant a single outlay of several pounds. Now it means a few shillings here and there, and I have my Christmas presents bought before I have missed the money.
Five shillings will be paid to the writer of the above.
Evening Telegraph, Dundee, Monday, December 3, 1928
By a Tayport Reader.
Towards the end of November we begin to feel a delightful glow of excitement and anticipation.
The shops vie with each other in the decoration of their windows and the extensiveness of their shows, and the spirit of Christmas takes possession of us. We want to get some of those nice things and send them as tokens of love and goodwill to our friends and acquaintances.
Just what to give is the problem. To know something of our friends’ tastes and habits is a great help in the selection of pleasurable gifts.
It’s no use sending a dance frock to a girl who never dances, a pipe to a man who does not smoke, a tool set to a boy who prefers a scooter, or a teddy-bear to a child who already has half a dozen.
A good plan is to make a list of everyone you wish to remember in any way, put opposite the names the amount you wish to spend in each case, and a choice of suitable articles.
Then comes the thrill of shopping. Do not pin your faith in expensive things. Few people nowadays want things that will last a lifetime. It is the age of change.
For the family circle, the members of which you know intimately, there is little difficulty in finding out what will be most appreciated.
Don't make the mistake of always choosing useful gifts.
Why should sister Jean, who stays at home an helps everybody, be expected to welcome anything plain and useful every Christmas when all the time her heart is yearning for something really gay and frivolous.
A caddy of tea may be the best present for Granny, but it is worth while trying the effect of a gaily-iced and decorated cake. She will talk about it for months, and you will realise the pleasure you have given her.
Some people have a happy knack of present-giving, and manage to spread joy all around.
Next to the actual buying comes the packing and sending of the parcels, and this is where the individuality of the donor is displayed.
Just an intimate touch here and there makes all the difference. Pretty boxes, coloured paper, and “holly” ribbons enhance the value of the gift.
And whatever is sent, be it large or small, let it be accompanied with an expression of your good wishes.
Five shillings will be paid to the writer of the above.
Evening Telegraph, Dundee, Wednesday, December 5, 1928
By a Broughty Ferry Reader.
What time the Pitcaithly bannock and ornamented shortbread cake deck the baker’s window in company with a list of dates for foreign postage, my Christmas shopping begins, to continue off and on till shop closing time on Christmas Eve.
The Christmas mail for New Zealand leaves the first week of November, so I order the shortbread and Scotch bun in good time, tie up all the Christmas Numbers that are ‘‘out,” write a letter to the far-away brother to intimate the sending off of the good things, enclose Christmas cards or calendars—and that’s one off my mind.
The following week finds me preparing for the Indian Christmas mail, which leaves about the middle of November. In addition to cakes and shortbread, for which a home-sick sister has to pay duty, I send books, which are practically the only articles that enter duty free into that country.
That same week I send a parcel to South America, not to relatives this time, but old neighbours, whose children I remember every year with small gifts.
Then there is a lull in my activities till the first week of December, when more shortbread has to be ordered for an aunt in the United States, who for over forty years has received the same gift from mother, sister, and niece in turn. She calls it her link with the old home.
After that it is full time to think about presents for those at home. Some of these are ready, for since September I have been busy of an evening with fancy work and woollies. I have also been buying every week with money saved from the housekeeping, small toys and gifts for the children’s stockings, decorations for the house, and other trifles that help to make a happy Christmas.
Once I get the baker’s account for shortbread, &c., paid, I calculate how much I can spend on gifts for those at home.
I divide up the sum so much a head for grown-ups, so much for children. Then I set forth to study the shop windows, and whenever I see a likely thing I do not hesitate but buy at once.
One thing suggests another, and I am usually finished with my shopping by the middle of December.
I post all my parcels and Christmas cards about a week before Christmas Day in order to avoid the crush, and also to leave me free for the Christmas preparations in my own household.
But though I pride myself on being up to time, an unexpected gift is almost sure to arrive on Christmas Eve, which means that, in spite of myself, I must join the last-minute rush at shop and Post Office.
Five shillings will be paid to the writer of the above.
Evening Telegraph, Dundee, Monday, December 17, 1928
By a Milnathort Reader,
The Christmas present problem is, indeed, a pressing problem now.
Despite the “shop early” slogan very few people have got their Christmas shopping done, And why? Because the whole fun of buying presents lies in the rush and excitement and the hurrying, jostling crowds of the last week or so.
The Christmas spirit is abroad then, and everyone is laughing and merry and loaded with parcels. To shop sedately a month before Christmas may be the wisest method of doing this task, but how prosaic and ordinary!
So we still have something, that elusive something suitable, useful, and pretty to buy for Aunt Mary, something for Uncle Tom which he won’t merely grunt at and push into a drawer, and ever so many more “somethings.”
Being a somewhat methodical person, I always make a list, a very careful list, of all my friends to whom I give presents. Against these names—and after much thought—I place a likely gift with an approximate price opposite.
With this in hand I sally forth to the apparently simple task of purchasing the desired gifts. Alas! for my list and my trouble, it rarely is strictly adhered to!
Although at home I was quite convinced that a handbag was the ideal gift for Joan, the sight of a fascinating bottle of her favourite perfume speedily makes me change my mind.
The list says gloves for George, but, chancing to see a very smart tie and hankie set which will “go” perfectly with his blue suit, I forget all about the list.
And so my shopping proceeds, never as I have planned it to do—calmly and simply—but full of thrills and excitement.
Yet I always return triumphantly, sure that I have really bought the best gifts. I hope the receivers do too.
Five shillings will be paid to the writer of the above.
Evening Telegraph, Dundee, Friday, December 21, 1928
By a Leuchars Reader,
Christmas shopping has a charm of its own to those who are not in daily touch with the shopping centre.
To country people who have only time on Saturday to travel to town, early shopping is a problem that even the best schemers are beat at, and have to rush at the end.
To lay in a supply of things for a family, prepare for a visit from Santa Claus and get a few “mindings” for the most intimate friends is not an easy task to those country cousins.
The busy mother has to prepare first as if it was a holiday outing, and sets off with her family and husband, whose help is almost a necessity.
Taking children to a shop is a task at any time, but in the crush and rush it is far worse, but if the mother is not enjoying it, at least the kiddies are, and faces beam at many shop windows at this time as they have never done since Santa Claus arrived last year.
They admire this and the next thing, and very often the toys they had made up their minds to “cry up the lum” for are displaced for some new and novel attraction skilfully displayed.
They are the most patient of shoppers, and will gleefully stand at the window with father while mother makes a few secret purchases for the next door neighbour or a message for Granny.
Every window is a source of delight, even boot shops, dismal to most children, take on a new look when tiny Bunny slippers are displayed peeping from boxes with miniature gates on the end, so on they trot happily from shop to shop.
The parcels are then safely deposited at the station until a later hour, and now for some tea, and it is enjoyed after such a strenuous afternoon.
Perhaps a visit to a cinema or other place of amusement finishes the day, and all depart for home happy and more or less content.
Country people do not have the same chance as town people to pick and choose gifts in their limited time, but they are none the less successful shoppers.
Five shillings will be paid to the writer of the above.
(I would like to point out to any writers of the above letters, who happen to be reading this, that you’ve already been paid your five shillings, and I will not be paying five shillings to anyone.)
Next week, we’ll probably have some left over shopping odds and ends, and an end to this thread. After that maybe a bit of domesticity?
All the best,
Seeing it’s almost Halloween, it’s probably a good time to do some Halloween shopping.
Aberdeen Journal, November 1, 1932
Elgin school children yesterday observed the Halloween custom of “raiding” the principal shops in the town in search of nuts and other seasonal fare.
At the school lunch hour the streets resounded to the lusty call of “Eely ’ol ’ol,” and many shopkeepers generously responded.
In the evening bands of masqueraders paraded the streets and visited houses in the traditional manner.
That’s all I could find for Halloween shopping, so, I guess we’ll just have to do some Christmas shopping, even if it is much too early.
Evening Telegraph, Dundee, Thursday, Nov. 29, 1928
By a Dundee Reader.
There is an interesting character in Miss Rose Macaulay’s last novel, “Keeping Up Appearances,” whose views on the Christmas shopping problem are interesting.
To this young man the prospect of fighting his way through the crowded shops at Christmas time so appalled him that he sought an easy alternative. He found that alternative not in shopping early, as we are now advised on all sides, but in shopping late.
This ingenious young man waited till the Christmas rush and even Christmas itself was over before he did his shopping. Then, with the all but deserted shops to himself, he bought his Christmas presents at his leisure.
In theory this method of Christmas shopping appears to have advantages. For one thing, it might do something to solve the parallel problem of deciding who are entitled to expect presents from us. Having received all our own presents we could, working on this principle, know exactly where to give.
Actually, however, there is nothing to recommend this system. It always has been, and always will be, best to shop early. Then the selection is better, the shop assistant and the purchaser less harrassed, and it is easier, shopping at leisure, to decide how much one ought to spend.
Indeed, that is for me one of the attractive things about getting my Christmas shopping done early.
Every year for the past three years, I have begun my Christmas shopping about the middle of October, before the shopkeepers had actually invited us to begin. In this way, I was able to make my purchases gradually, beginning with such things as books and toys for children and ending up with more personal presents for grown-up friends.
Buying thus slowly, I find the expense of Christmas presents. has become scarcely noticeable. At one time Christmas shopping meant a single outlay of several pounds. Now it means a few shillings here and there, and I have my Christmas presents bought before I have missed the money.
Five shillings will be paid to the writer of the above.
Evening Telegraph, Dundee, Monday, December 3, 1928
By a Tayport Reader.
Towards the end of November we begin to feel a delightful glow of excitement and anticipation.
The shops vie with each other in the decoration of their windows and the extensiveness of their shows, and the spirit of Christmas takes possession of us. We want to get some of those nice things and send them as tokens of love and goodwill to our friends and acquaintances.
Just what to give is the problem. To know something of our friends’ tastes and habits is a great help in the selection of pleasurable gifts.
It’s no use sending a dance frock to a girl who never dances, a pipe to a man who does not smoke, a tool set to a boy who prefers a scooter, or a teddy-bear to a child who already has half a dozen.
A good plan is to make a list of everyone you wish to remember in any way, put opposite the names the amount you wish to spend in each case, and a choice of suitable articles.
Then comes the thrill of shopping. Do not pin your faith in expensive things. Few people nowadays want things that will last a lifetime. It is the age of change.
For the family circle, the members of which you know intimately, there is little difficulty in finding out what will be most appreciated.
Don't make the mistake of always choosing useful gifts.
Why should sister Jean, who stays at home an helps everybody, be expected to welcome anything plain and useful every Christmas when all the time her heart is yearning for something really gay and frivolous.
A caddy of tea may be the best present for Granny, but it is worth while trying the effect of a gaily-iced and decorated cake. She will talk about it for months, and you will realise the pleasure you have given her.
Some people have a happy knack of present-giving, and manage to spread joy all around.
Next to the actual buying comes the packing and sending of the parcels, and this is where the individuality of the donor is displayed.
Just an intimate touch here and there makes all the difference. Pretty boxes, coloured paper, and “holly” ribbons enhance the value of the gift.
And whatever is sent, be it large or small, let it be accompanied with an expression of your good wishes.
Five shillings will be paid to the writer of the above.
Evening Telegraph, Dundee, Wednesday, December 5, 1928
By a Broughty Ferry Reader.
What time the Pitcaithly bannock and ornamented shortbread cake deck the baker’s window in company with a list of dates for foreign postage, my Christmas shopping begins, to continue off and on till shop closing time on Christmas Eve.
The Christmas mail for New Zealand leaves the first week of November, so I order the shortbread and Scotch bun in good time, tie up all the Christmas Numbers that are ‘‘out,” write a letter to the far-away brother to intimate the sending off of the good things, enclose Christmas cards or calendars—and that’s one off my mind.
The following week finds me preparing for the Indian Christmas mail, which leaves about the middle of November. In addition to cakes and shortbread, for which a home-sick sister has to pay duty, I send books, which are practically the only articles that enter duty free into that country.
That same week I send a parcel to South America, not to relatives this time, but old neighbours, whose children I remember every year with small gifts.
Then there is a lull in my activities till the first week of December, when more shortbread has to be ordered for an aunt in the United States, who for over forty years has received the same gift from mother, sister, and niece in turn. She calls it her link with the old home.
After that it is full time to think about presents for those at home. Some of these are ready, for since September I have been busy of an evening with fancy work and woollies. I have also been buying every week with money saved from the housekeeping, small toys and gifts for the children’s stockings, decorations for the house, and other trifles that help to make a happy Christmas.
Once I get the baker’s account for shortbread, &c., paid, I calculate how much I can spend on gifts for those at home.
I divide up the sum so much a head for grown-ups, so much for children. Then I set forth to study the shop windows, and whenever I see a likely thing I do not hesitate but buy at once.
One thing suggests another, and I am usually finished with my shopping by the middle of December.
I post all my parcels and Christmas cards about a week before Christmas Day in order to avoid the crush, and also to leave me free for the Christmas preparations in my own household.
But though I pride myself on being up to time, an unexpected gift is almost sure to arrive on Christmas Eve, which means that, in spite of myself, I must join the last-minute rush at shop and Post Office.
Five shillings will be paid to the writer of the above.
Evening Telegraph, Dundee, Monday, December 17, 1928
By a Milnathort Reader,
The Christmas present problem is, indeed, a pressing problem now.
Despite the “shop early” slogan very few people have got their Christmas shopping done, And why? Because the whole fun of buying presents lies in the rush and excitement and the hurrying, jostling crowds of the last week or so.
The Christmas spirit is abroad then, and everyone is laughing and merry and loaded with parcels. To shop sedately a month before Christmas may be the wisest method of doing this task, but how prosaic and ordinary!
So we still have something, that elusive something suitable, useful, and pretty to buy for Aunt Mary, something for Uncle Tom which he won’t merely grunt at and push into a drawer, and ever so many more “somethings.”
Being a somewhat methodical person, I always make a list, a very careful list, of all my friends to whom I give presents. Against these names—and after much thought—I place a likely gift with an approximate price opposite.
With this in hand I sally forth to the apparently simple task of purchasing the desired gifts. Alas! for my list and my trouble, it rarely is strictly adhered to!
Although at home I was quite convinced that a handbag was the ideal gift for Joan, the sight of a fascinating bottle of her favourite perfume speedily makes me change my mind.
The list says gloves for George, but, chancing to see a very smart tie and hankie set which will “go” perfectly with his blue suit, I forget all about the list.
And so my shopping proceeds, never as I have planned it to do—calmly and simply—but full of thrills and excitement.
Yet I always return triumphantly, sure that I have really bought the best gifts. I hope the receivers do too.
Five shillings will be paid to the writer of the above.
Evening Telegraph, Dundee, Friday, December 21, 1928
By a Leuchars Reader,
Christmas shopping has a charm of its own to those who are not in daily touch with the shopping centre.
To country people who have only time on Saturday to travel to town, early shopping is a problem that even the best schemers are beat at, and have to rush at the end.
To lay in a supply of things for a family, prepare for a visit from Santa Claus and get a few “mindings” for the most intimate friends is not an easy task to those country cousins.
The busy mother has to prepare first as if it was a holiday outing, and sets off with her family and husband, whose help is almost a necessity.
Taking children to a shop is a task at any time, but in the crush and rush it is far worse, but if the mother is not enjoying it, at least the kiddies are, and faces beam at many shop windows at this time as they have never done since Santa Claus arrived last year.
They admire this and the next thing, and very often the toys they had made up their minds to “cry up the lum” for are displaced for some new and novel attraction skilfully displayed.
They are the most patient of shoppers, and will gleefully stand at the window with father while mother makes a few secret purchases for the next door neighbour or a message for Granny.
Every window is a source of delight, even boot shops, dismal to most children, take on a new look when tiny Bunny slippers are displayed peeping from boxes with miniature gates on the end, so on they trot happily from shop to shop.
The parcels are then safely deposited at the station until a later hour, and now for some tea, and it is enjoyed after such a strenuous afternoon.
Perhaps a visit to a cinema or other place of amusement finishes the day, and all depart for home happy and more or less content.
Country people do not have the same chance as town people to pick and choose gifts in their limited time, but they are none the less successful shoppers.
Five shillings will be paid to the writer of the above.
(I would like to point out to any writers of the above letters, who happen to be reading this, that you’ve already been paid your five shillings, and I will not be paying five shillings to anyone.)
Next week, we’ll probably have some left over shopping odds and ends, and an end to this thread. After that maybe a bit of domesticity?
All the best,
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Re: Let’s Go Shopping!
Oh spoil-sport!(I would like to point out to any writers of the above letters, who happen to be reading this, that you’ve already been paid your five shillings, and I will not be paying five shillings to anyone.)
Just think of the riches they could buy nowadays with a 5 Bob-Bit - a 1930's 1 shilling goes for 3 pounds on ebay!
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Re: Let’s Go Shopping!
I usually always waited to the last minute to do most of my Christmas shopping - was much more fun!
Thanks Alan.
Thanks Alan.
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Re: Let’s Go Shopping!
Thanks all,
This week we have a mixed shopping bag of articles. There are dogs, horses, cows, monkeys, rationing ,bananas, and potentially abandoned babies. Really scraping the bottom of the barrel. Once you get through this lot the shopping will be done.
Evening Telegraph, Dundee, Saturday, January 18, 1879
Here is a hint for some of our great linen-drapers. A Philadelphia dry goods merchant has added a children’s room to his store, where mothers may leave their children to be amused with rocking-horses, pictures and toys while they do their shopping. Babes in arms not admitted, lest they should not be called for.
Dundee Courier, Wednesday, October 24, 1888
MACHINE ACCIDENT. —About three o'clock yesterday afternoon a rather serious machine accident occurred at the Strathmore Hotel stableyard in Queen Street. A horse yoked to a four-wheeled phaeton belonging to Mrs Granger, Pitcur, had been tied in the yard while Miss Granger was engaged shopping in the town, and the animal, by some means extricating itself from the bridle and the halter by which it was tied, bolted for home. At the gateway of the stableyard the machine came in contact with the corner of the hotel buildings, with the result that it was overturned and smashed to pieces. The horse continued its career down Queen Street and out the Dundee Road until it reached Balgove, where it again ran against a wall, and was brought to a stand by several potato lifters. Portions of the machine were strewn all along the road.
Evening Telegraph, Dundee, Thursday, May 24, 1928
Two dogs left fastened to a pram while baby’s mother was shopping in St Albans saw a fellow-canine across the road, and rambled over to pass the time of day.
The pram, unfortunately, went with them, until it collided with a motor car and overturned.
By good luck baby was unhurt.
Evening Telegraph, Dundee, Monday, December 16, 1929
Unusual Incident at St Andrews
An unusual spectacle was witnessed in South Street, St Andrews, this morning, when a monkey was seen in a perambulator. The perambulator was standing outside a shop door and the monkey, a little dark fellow was sitting comfortably on the seat guarded by the leather covering.
A well dressed lady evidently doing her morning shopping appeared and taking charge of the pram walked away quite unembarrassed by her unusual charge.
Aberdeen Journal, Friday, August 11, 1933
Roof-Top Frolics: Bananas as Bait.
The small rhesus monkey, which for several days has been evading capture in the Roseburn district of Edinburgh was still at large yesterday, continuing its ”high jinks” on the roof-tops in Coltbridge Avenue, and providing exciting amusement for a group of young children.
A resident in the district, after doing some shopping yesterday morning, returned home to find the animal peacefully basking in the sun on a bedroom window sill.
The monkey apparently received a bigger fright, for it immediately leapt for the roof, and scurried to the safety of an adjoining mill.
The laughter and screams of children and the stare of a large and stealthy black cat offered no inducement for the animal to remain in view, and, with amazing agility and some frightened chattering, it made a hasty retreat to its concealed quarters among the chimney stacks.
Attempts have been made by the authorities of the Scottish Zoological Park to capture the monkey, but these, in the meantime, have been abandoned. The monkey is determined to retain its freedom, and has, so far, shown that it is not to be easily tricked.
The latest unsuccessful ruse has been to inject a number of bananas with a drug and place them in the garden where the monkey has been most frequently seen. Some time later the monkey “fell” for the tempting bait, but had only eaten part of the fruit when it was frightened away by two cats, and if it felt the effects of the drug it took the wise precaution of choosing some inaccessible spot at
which to “sleep it off.”
Besides being timid the monkey is said to be quite harmless. Residents in the district, however, are taking no risks, particularly with regard to crockery, and while the hunt goes on the general order is “All windows closed!”
Evening Telegraph, Dundee, Tuesday, May 18, 1937
System May Become General.
Dundee women will have to leave their canine pets at home, or outside, in future when they go shopping to one of the city’s big stores.
This firm has given a lead in banning dogs from their premises The lead may be followed by other businesses.
The decision to put up notices—“Customers are courteously informed that dogs must not be brought into the store”—is a commentary on the recent growth of fashions in dogs.
“Within recent times,” said the principal of the store in question, “dogs have become rather fashionable. There are some ladies who seem to think that a dog adds the final touch of chic to their appearance.”
Amongst the reasons for the ban are the following:—
Dogs being allowed to run riot in the store.
Dogs causing loss and damage by soiling expensive frocks and displays of goods
Dogs as a menace to foodstuffs—notably in restaurants.
Another firm of drapers and outfitters are likely to follow the lead.
“We are in entire sympathy with the ban which has been put on the admission of dogs to all departments of stores,” said a director, “and now that the initiative has been taken we are likely to take action before very long.
“We have had under consideration for some time the idea of setting aside a special room or compound in which the dogs could be left by their owners while they make their purchases and rounds of the various departments.
“Space limitations have so far rendered this out of the question, but the nuisance is becoming so acute that, apart from a complete ban, we regard this as the only satisfactory solution, and it may be carried into effect.”
Another firm intimates that it intends to continue to place no restriction on dog-owners in the meantime.
Aberdeen Journal, Wednesday, November 1, 1939
Pedestrians and shoppers in Union Street, Aberdeen, yesterday afternoon were startled to see a horse, drawing a lorry, bolt across the street and crash into a shop window.
Mr Alexander Ewan Sellar, 10 Charlotte Street, an employee of Messrs Mutter, Howey & Co., carting contractors, was driving the lorry westwards along Union Street when the horse took fright.
Plunging across the street the animal crashed into a large plate glass window in the shop occupied by Mr John A. Dunn, shoemaker, 16 Union Street.
The window was smashed and the horse received slight cuts.
The incident occurred at a busy period in the afternoon. Many people were in the vicinity, but no one was injured.
Dundee Courier, Monday, January 8, 1940
Rationing begins to-day.
Everyone holding a general or a child's ration book should have registered with a retailer for bacon and ham, butter, sugar, and meat.
Meat rationing does not begin at once, but you must register for meat now.
After to-day you will not be able to buy bacon and ham, butter or sugar unless you have registered, or unless you have a traveller’s ration book, a leave or duty ration card, or an emergency card, in which case you are not required to register.
Your ration book or card should be in your bag when you go shopping. You'll need it when buying rationed foods.
A point always to remember is—Leave it to the shopkeeper to detach the proper coupons. Do not detach them yourself.
Shopkeepers throughout the country have dealt with over 130 million counterfoils which customers have deposited with them for bacon and ham, butter and sugar. During the past week they have been coping with a further 45 million counterfoils for meat.
Ministry of Food officials were working late last night putting the finishing touches to the scheme. They had spent a busy week polishing off last-minute details.
Every man, woman, and child in the country—from the King and Queen to the humblest subject—has now a ration card.
Gloucester Citizen, Wednesday, December 27, 1944
Took His Cow To Cafe
Last-minute shoppers thronging the main street at Colchester, Essex, saw Farmer William Strang, of Manningtree, milking his favourite cow, Bessy, at the entrance of one of the town’s restaurants.
He had been upset because the milk shortage deprived him of white coffee, and decided to take his cow along. The crowd watched while rich milk filled the bucket.
“I can’t drink it without milk, so I brought my own cow,” he told the waitress. He won a £5 note for milking Bessy among the shopping crowds.
That’s it for the shopping thread, hope it was interesting. Next week, probably a bit of domesticity.
All the best,
This week we have a mixed shopping bag of articles. There are dogs, horses, cows, monkeys, rationing ,bananas, and potentially abandoned babies. Really scraping the bottom of the barrel. Once you get through this lot the shopping will be done.
Evening Telegraph, Dundee, Saturday, January 18, 1879
Here is a hint for some of our great linen-drapers. A Philadelphia dry goods merchant has added a children’s room to his store, where mothers may leave their children to be amused with rocking-horses, pictures and toys while they do their shopping. Babes in arms not admitted, lest they should not be called for.
Dundee Courier, Wednesday, October 24, 1888
MACHINE ACCIDENT. —About three o'clock yesterday afternoon a rather serious machine accident occurred at the Strathmore Hotel stableyard in Queen Street. A horse yoked to a four-wheeled phaeton belonging to Mrs Granger, Pitcur, had been tied in the yard while Miss Granger was engaged shopping in the town, and the animal, by some means extricating itself from the bridle and the halter by which it was tied, bolted for home. At the gateway of the stableyard the machine came in contact with the corner of the hotel buildings, with the result that it was overturned and smashed to pieces. The horse continued its career down Queen Street and out the Dundee Road until it reached Balgove, where it again ran against a wall, and was brought to a stand by several potato lifters. Portions of the machine were strewn all along the road.
Evening Telegraph, Dundee, Thursday, May 24, 1928
Two dogs left fastened to a pram while baby’s mother was shopping in St Albans saw a fellow-canine across the road, and rambled over to pass the time of day.
The pram, unfortunately, went with them, until it collided with a motor car and overturned.
By good luck baby was unhurt.
Evening Telegraph, Dundee, Monday, December 16, 1929
Unusual Incident at St Andrews
An unusual spectacle was witnessed in South Street, St Andrews, this morning, when a monkey was seen in a perambulator. The perambulator was standing outside a shop door and the monkey, a little dark fellow was sitting comfortably on the seat guarded by the leather covering.
A well dressed lady evidently doing her morning shopping appeared and taking charge of the pram walked away quite unembarrassed by her unusual charge.
Aberdeen Journal, Friday, August 11, 1933
Roof-Top Frolics: Bananas as Bait.
The small rhesus monkey, which for several days has been evading capture in the Roseburn district of Edinburgh was still at large yesterday, continuing its ”high jinks” on the roof-tops in Coltbridge Avenue, and providing exciting amusement for a group of young children.
A resident in the district, after doing some shopping yesterday morning, returned home to find the animal peacefully basking in the sun on a bedroom window sill.
The monkey apparently received a bigger fright, for it immediately leapt for the roof, and scurried to the safety of an adjoining mill.
The laughter and screams of children and the stare of a large and stealthy black cat offered no inducement for the animal to remain in view, and, with amazing agility and some frightened chattering, it made a hasty retreat to its concealed quarters among the chimney stacks.
Attempts have been made by the authorities of the Scottish Zoological Park to capture the monkey, but these, in the meantime, have been abandoned. The monkey is determined to retain its freedom, and has, so far, shown that it is not to be easily tricked.
The latest unsuccessful ruse has been to inject a number of bananas with a drug and place them in the garden where the monkey has been most frequently seen. Some time later the monkey “fell” for the tempting bait, but had only eaten part of the fruit when it was frightened away by two cats, and if it felt the effects of the drug it took the wise precaution of choosing some inaccessible spot at
which to “sleep it off.”
Besides being timid the monkey is said to be quite harmless. Residents in the district, however, are taking no risks, particularly with regard to crockery, and while the hunt goes on the general order is “All windows closed!”
Evening Telegraph, Dundee, Tuesday, May 18, 1937
System May Become General.
Dundee women will have to leave their canine pets at home, or outside, in future when they go shopping to one of the city’s big stores.
This firm has given a lead in banning dogs from their premises The lead may be followed by other businesses.
The decision to put up notices—“Customers are courteously informed that dogs must not be brought into the store”—is a commentary on the recent growth of fashions in dogs.
“Within recent times,” said the principal of the store in question, “dogs have become rather fashionable. There are some ladies who seem to think that a dog adds the final touch of chic to their appearance.”
Amongst the reasons for the ban are the following:—
Dogs being allowed to run riot in the store.
Dogs causing loss and damage by soiling expensive frocks and displays of goods
Dogs as a menace to foodstuffs—notably in restaurants.
Another firm of drapers and outfitters are likely to follow the lead.
“We are in entire sympathy with the ban which has been put on the admission of dogs to all departments of stores,” said a director, “and now that the initiative has been taken we are likely to take action before very long.
“We have had under consideration for some time the idea of setting aside a special room or compound in which the dogs could be left by their owners while they make their purchases and rounds of the various departments.
“Space limitations have so far rendered this out of the question, but the nuisance is becoming so acute that, apart from a complete ban, we regard this as the only satisfactory solution, and it may be carried into effect.”
Another firm intimates that it intends to continue to place no restriction on dog-owners in the meantime.
Aberdeen Journal, Wednesday, November 1, 1939
Pedestrians and shoppers in Union Street, Aberdeen, yesterday afternoon were startled to see a horse, drawing a lorry, bolt across the street and crash into a shop window.
Mr Alexander Ewan Sellar, 10 Charlotte Street, an employee of Messrs Mutter, Howey & Co., carting contractors, was driving the lorry westwards along Union Street when the horse took fright.
Plunging across the street the animal crashed into a large plate glass window in the shop occupied by Mr John A. Dunn, shoemaker, 16 Union Street.
The window was smashed and the horse received slight cuts.
The incident occurred at a busy period in the afternoon. Many people were in the vicinity, but no one was injured.
Dundee Courier, Monday, January 8, 1940
Rationing begins to-day.
Everyone holding a general or a child's ration book should have registered with a retailer for bacon and ham, butter, sugar, and meat.
Meat rationing does not begin at once, but you must register for meat now.
After to-day you will not be able to buy bacon and ham, butter or sugar unless you have registered, or unless you have a traveller’s ration book, a leave or duty ration card, or an emergency card, in which case you are not required to register.
Your ration book or card should be in your bag when you go shopping. You'll need it when buying rationed foods.
A point always to remember is—Leave it to the shopkeeper to detach the proper coupons. Do not detach them yourself.
Shopkeepers throughout the country have dealt with over 130 million counterfoils which customers have deposited with them for bacon and ham, butter and sugar. During the past week they have been coping with a further 45 million counterfoils for meat.
Ministry of Food officials were working late last night putting the finishing touches to the scheme. They had spent a busy week polishing off last-minute details.
Every man, woman, and child in the country—from the King and Queen to the humblest subject—has now a ration card.
Gloucester Citizen, Wednesday, December 27, 1944
Took His Cow To Cafe
Last-minute shoppers thronging the main street at Colchester, Essex, saw Farmer William Strang, of Manningtree, milking his favourite cow, Bessy, at the entrance of one of the town’s restaurants.
He had been upset because the milk shortage deprived him of white coffee, and decided to take his cow along. The crowd watched while rich milk filled the bucket.
“I can’t drink it without milk, so I brought my own cow,” he told the waitress. He won a £5 note for milking Bessy among the shopping crowds.
That’s it for the shopping thread, hope it was interesting. Next week, probably a bit of domesticity.
All the best,
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Re: Let’s Go Shopping!
Thanks Alan! All interesting little reads. Especially liked the Monkey at Large in Edinburgh!
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Re: Let’s Go Shopping!
Alarms and excursions all round this week.
Did they ever catch the Edinburgh monkey, I wonder?
Did they ever catch the Edinburgh monkey, I wonder?
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Re: Let’s Go Shopping!
!!! NEWS FLASH !!!
Aberdeen Journal, Wednesday, August 23, 1933
Captured After Three Weeks at Large in Edinburgh.
After three weeks’ adventures in Edinburgh the small rhesus monkey has been captured, not in the West End and Roseburn, its main hunting grounds, but in the, to it, unknown district of Abbeyhill.
The capture was effected by a representative of the Zoo after a shower of rain had driven the monkey through a fanlight into a room in Spring Gardens for shelter. Now the monkey is safe under lock and key in the Scottish Zoological Gardens, where it is on view to visitors to-day.
The monkey, which is believed to have been one of several which escaped from a circus at Dalkeith, was, after a spell of liberty, caught in an Eskbank house and taken in a basket to the Zoo at Corstorphine.
The animal had not had nearly enough of freedom, for it disappeared as soon as the basket was opened, and was next heard of amongst the roof-tops of houses in the Roseburn district of Edinburgh.
It evaded all efforts at capture. Food was laid out, but the monkey ate the food and vanished. Even doped bananas were of no avail. At last a shower of rain succeeded when all the ingenuity of man had failed.
Discovered in Abbeyhill.
It was reported that the monkey had been seen in the Abbeyhill district of the city. This is a good three miles from Murrayfield, but the story was true, for the elusive animal was eventually discovered in Spring Gardens after a search had been made by the police.
The monkey was seen on the roofs of houses, but it had been frequently noticed in similar circumstances during the past three weeks without its capture being effected. This time, however, its adventures were at an end, for it was caught in the evening in a house in Spring Gardens, having entered through a skylight in order, it is thought, to shelter from a heavy shower of rain.
News of the monkey’s downfall quickly spread, and when a representative from the Zoo arrived to take charge of the animal the street was crowded, children being prominent among the onlookers.
Carried Away in Sack.
Once the monkey was in custody its doom was sealed. A basket had failed to hold it before, but a sack proved more secure. And so it came to the Zoo, where it has been lodged in a cage in the acclimatisation house, and will be on view to-day.
That the animal should have toured Edinburgh so thoroughly before capture is not the least remarkable of its exploits. During the week-end it was seen in the neighbourhood of the Dean Bridge.
The exact route taken by this restless monkey is a matter of conjecture, but one theory is that, travelling mainly after nightfall, it went through Princes Street Gardens, and reached the Abbeyhill district by way of the gardens in London Road. If that were so, it may have climbed the Calton Hill, or even gone down Leith Street.
The Aberdeen Journal seems to have been on a bit of a roll when it came to monkey stories. Here’s another one the following day!
(By Germaine.)
Monkey fur makes such a graceful trimming that it is surprising we have allowed it to be forgotten for so long. It is back now, however, and effectively trims suits of a formal character for early autumn.
One way of using the fur is to put it around the armholes ………………………..
I won’t continue, that’s enough monkey business for one day. Hope it wasn’t the same monkey.
Aberdeen Journal, Wednesday, August 23, 1933
Captured After Three Weeks at Large in Edinburgh.
After three weeks’ adventures in Edinburgh the small rhesus monkey has been captured, not in the West End and Roseburn, its main hunting grounds, but in the, to it, unknown district of Abbeyhill.
The capture was effected by a representative of the Zoo after a shower of rain had driven the monkey through a fanlight into a room in Spring Gardens for shelter. Now the monkey is safe under lock and key in the Scottish Zoological Gardens, where it is on view to visitors to-day.
The monkey, which is believed to have been one of several which escaped from a circus at Dalkeith, was, after a spell of liberty, caught in an Eskbank house and taken in a basket to the Zoo at Corstorphine.
The animal had not had nearly enough of freedom, for it disappeared as soon as the basket was opened, and was next heard of amongst the roof-tops of houses in the Roseburn district of Edinburgh.
It evaded all efforts at capture. Food was laid out, but the monkey ate the food and vanished. Even doped bananas were of no avail. At last a shower of rain succeeded when all the ingenuity of man had failed.
Discovered in Abbeyhill.
It was reported that the monkey had been seen in the Abbeyhill district of the city. This is a good three miles from Murrayfield, but the story was true, for the elusive animal was eventually discovered in Spring Gardens after a search had been made by the police.
The monkey was seen on the roofs of houses, but it had been frequently noticed in similar circumstances during the past three weeks without its capture being effected. This time, however, its adventures were at an end, for it was caught in the evening in a house in Spring Gardens, having entered through a skylight in order, it is thought, to shelter from a heavy shower of rain.
News of the monkey’s downfall quickly spread, and when a representative from the Zoo arrived to take charge of the animal the street was crowded, children being prominent among the onlookers.
Carried Away in Sack.
Once the monkey was in custody its doom was sealed. A basket had failed to hold it before, but a sack proved more secure. And so it came to the Zoo, where it has been lodged in a cage in the acclimatisation house, and will be on view to-day.
That the animal should have toured Edinburgh so thoroughly before capture is not the least remarkable of its exploits. During the week-end it was seen in the neighbourhood of the Dean Bridge.
The exact route taken by this restless monkey is a matter of conjecture, but one theory is that, travelling mainly after nightfall, it went through Princes Street Gardens, and reached the Abbeyhill district by way of the gardens in London Road. If that were so, it may have climbed the Calton Hill, or even gone down Leith Street.
The Aberdeen Journal seems to have been on a bit of a roll when it came to monkey stories. Here’s another one the following day!
(By Germaine.)
Monkey fur makes such a graceful trimming that it is surprising we have allowed it to be forgotten for so long. It is back now, however, and effectively trims suits of a formal character for early autumn.
One way of using the fur is to put it around the armholes ………………………..
I won’t continue, that’s enough monkey business for one day. Hope it wasn’t the same monkey.
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Re: Let’s Go Shopping!
One of the other escaped monkeys...
The Scotsman: 18-Sep-1933
Last of Dalkeith's Tribe Now in Captivity
The last of the monkeys that escaped from a zoo-circus was captured in a lumber-room at Hardengreen Farm, in the Newbattle district, on Saturday night. In the early weeks of its freedom it was frequently observed in the densely-wooded plantations that skirt the North Esk river. Owners of gardens in the neighbourhood occasionally saw the animal which is of the rhesus species, nibbling at fruit and vegetables, but anyone seeking for a closer view only caused the timid creature to make off. Mr George W Porteous, North Esk House, and several other families in the vicinity laid out food for its consumption.
Later the monkey shifted its quarters to the Dalkeith Palace gardens, and then about a fortnight ago crossed the river and appeared in the market garden of Mr Angus M'Intosh. After enjoying a feast of poultry food, it entered a small toolhouse in which the owner had placed some palatable food to induce a visit. Once it was indoors the entrance was quickly closed.
One of the neighbours went for milk, and in Mr M'Intosh's temporary absence opened the aperture to provide what he thought would be a further delicacy. The open door proved too great a chance for the monkey, and with a bound it was over the man;s shoulder into freedom again.
The animal remained in the vicinity for a day or two, and was frequently up the path to the fowl's quarters, but carefully avoided a second entrance to its temporary prison. Last week-end it was seen in the parish churchyard, and then in some nearby garden ground. It was next observed in the Abbey Road district, whence it went to the Hardengreen neighbourhood some days ago.
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The Scotsman: 18-Sep-1933
Last of Dalkeith's Tribe Now in Captivity
The last of the monkeys that escaped from a zoo-circus was captured in a lumber-room at Hardengreen Farm, in the Newbattle district, on Saturday night. In the early weeks of its freedom it was frequently observed in the densely-wooded plantations that skirt the North Esk river. Owners of gardens in the neighbourhood occasionally saw the animal which is of the rhesus species, nibbling at fruit and vegetables, but anyone seeking for a closer view only caused the timid creature to make off. Mr George W Porteous, North Esk House, and several other families in the vicinity laid out food for its consumption.
Later the monkey shifted its quarters to the Dalkeith Palace gardens, and then about a fortnight ago crossed the river and appeared in the market garden of Mr Angus M'Intosh. After enjoying a feast of poultry food, it entered a small toolhouse in which the owner had placed some palatable food to induce a visit. Once it was indoors the entrance was quickly closed.
One of the neighbours went for milk, and in Mr M'Intosh's temporary absence opened the aperture to provide what he thought would be a further delicacy. The open door proved too great a chance for the monkey, and with a bound it was over the man;s shoulder into freedom again.
The animal remained in the vicinity for a day or two, and was frequently up the path to the fowl's quarters, but carefully avoided a second entrance to its temporary prison. Last week-end it was seen in the parish churchyard, and then in some nearby garden ground. It was next observed in the Abbey Road district, whence it went to the Hardengreen neighbourhood some days ago.
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