Valuation Roll Info

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Valuation Roll Info

Post by Jamboesque » Tue Jun 07, 2022 3:46 pm

It's been a few years since I've needed to ask a question, doing other stuff got in the way but I'm back in harness , as it were.

When a listing properties, in a Valuation Roll,of a tenemental property was there a common way of listing the proprietors/tenants. ie Is the first one listed from the ground floor then go up the stairs listing the flats in order up to the top, or is it from the top down or is there another way of listing the properties that I'm missing?
I'd like to be apathetic but I really can't be bothered.

Looking for blacksheep & not finding any with
Groats & Stevensons in Orkney, Hood's in Dundee/Angus, Mclaren's in Clackmannan and Jolly's in Kincardineshire. There may be more!

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Re: Valuation Roll Info

Post by AndrewP » Tue Jun 07, 2022 4:04 pm

I have looked at quite a few valuation rolls, and there doesn't seem like a consistent method for the order of the properties in a tenement stair. You do well if you find one that tells you which level each flat is on (1F, 2F, etc.).

One that I have been looking at for a local history project is a tenement near to here where there are two properties in the basement, shops on ground level and six properties over two storeys above. The tenement is on a fairly steep hill down from front to back and right to left (as viewed from the front street), so the basement properties are both below the back of the shops and look out only to the rear of the tenement. I think it is four properties on the first level over the shops and two more in the attic. This layout seems to have been the same since the tenement was built in the 1880s.

All the best,


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Re: Valuation Roll Info

Post by Jamboesque » Tue Jun 07, 2022 6:23 pm

Thanks Andrew.

I live in a tenement, top Flat 1st, (3f1) or Flat 7 depending on which system is most appropriate. With a judicial use of Google street view and a floor plan of a property for sale in the stair I think I've figured out the location, in the case I'm looking for it is on the ground floor, right side flat.

I reckon a lot depends on configuration of the stair ie are the ground floor flats accessed from within the stair or are they main doors (usually they are numbered separately) and it depends on the number of flats on a floor 2,3 even 4 in some high density, small properties.
I'd like to be apathetic but I really can't be bothered.

Looking for blacksheep & not finding any with
Groats & Stevensons in Orkney, Hood's in Dundee/Angus, Mclaren's in Clackmannan and Jolly's in Kincardineshire. There may be more!

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Re: Valuation Roll Info

Post by WilmaM » Tue Jun 07, 2022 7:52 pm

I downloaded the 1940 one for my dad and he could remember each of the tenants listed! - they were on the very top floor at that time and my grandfather's name is last on the list - a 4 storey tenement with 10 houses I think the ground floor had 1 house and a plumbers shop with it's own number and the three upper floors each had 3 houses on each.

I had a look at my childhood [ground floor] home too, the uncle my dad bought it from is listed first.
So that bears out the theory that it's ground floor left hand, then ground floor right hand, working the way up.
Our 2nd house [ in the same street] was a main door, and we had a separate number from those in the 'close'.