Childhood songs and rhymes

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Childhood songs and rhymes

Post by ninatoo » Fri Dec 16, 2005 3:10 am

My mum used to sing a little song to me about Mr Googelly:

"Oh Mr Googelly,
Come tae bed alang wi' me
And I'll gae ye a cuppa tea
Tae keep yer belly warrum"

And she had another song about "I Saw Esau sitting on a seesaw...." which I can't remember.

And a rhyme began "A man said to me..."is that you?"
Said He "You!" - I remember this one...but I will wait to see if anyone else does!

Anything sound familiar? And what other kiddie songs can you think of?


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Post by WilmaM » Fri Dec 16, 2005 10:24 am

What about :

"Murder murder Polis
3 stairs up
The wumman in the middle floor
Hit me wi a cup
Ma heids all bleedin
My nose is all cut
Murder murder Polis
3 stairs up "

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Post by Alcluith » Fri Dec 16, 2005 10:56 am

try this great wee site
Burns, Quinn - Glasgow, N.Ireland
McLeod, Mackay, Nicholson, McNeil - Skye
James, McLeod, Sinclair, Smith - Renton
Davidson,Adie, Gibb - Aberdeen
Jolly Wishart - Angus
Usher - Newcastle
Mullen, Roe - Dublin
O'Donnell - Ireland, Alexandria

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Post by ninatoo » Fri Dec 16, 2005 1:36 pm

A great site, which I have spent hours on before today, hehe. But nothing like what I am thinking of...just the wee songs yer mammy used tae sing tae ye!

Like this one:

Daddy's comin' hame
With pennies in his pocket
For his ain wee wean"

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Location: Falkirk area

Post by WilmaM » Fri Dec 16, 2005 3:01 pm

ninatoo wrote: "Clap-a-clap-a-handies
Daddy's comin' hame
With pennies in his pocket
For his ain wee wean"
The Falkirk version;

Daddy comes
with his pockets full of plums


I've noticed several variations between what my husband [ a F'kirk Bairn] and I [ Glesga keelie] teach the children !

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Post by joette » Fri Dec 16, 2005 4:29 pm

My favourite & one my Mother's paternal Granny sang & my Great-Niece & nephew are having sung to them
"Poor wee soul I'm sure you mun be cold,
Tak him(or her) on your knee a weel & row him in your shawl.
Row him in your plaidie he's gone to wheejy baws
And bantam cocks though wee can still cock-a-leerie-ow.
I'm sure its just a nonsense rythmic tune but my now three year old nephew Thomas can still be sent off to sleep in a few minutes if you cuddle & sing this to him.
You start when they are born & sing it into their ear & cuddle & rock them.
They then associate it with sleep & even now some nights I send myself off with it.
"Skinny malinky long legs,
Big banana feet,
Went to the pictures & couldna find a seat,
When the picture started skinny-ma-linky """"""""
Funny my Mother would get most upset if we finished this ditty.
"My girls a corker she's a New Yorker,
Id do most anything to keep her in style- a song we sang when playing in the street.
To my horrible Primary One Teacher-"Miss Brown went to town,
With her knickers hanging down"
CARR/LEITCH-Scotland,Ireland(County Donegal)

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Post by pinkshoes » Fri Dec 16, 2005 6:18 pm

Ninatoo, does your rhyme involve a pie and an umbrella? If so, I'd love to hear the rest of it - someone used to recite it when I was young, but I can't for the life of me remember it. When I heard it, it was done with a Falkirk accent.

If it's not the same one, I wonder if anyone else knows what I'm on about (that'll be something new in itself :lol: ) It's something like "says he to me could ye go a pie"

Yours in silliness :wink:


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Post by AnneM » Fri Dec 16, 2005 7:22 pm

For the Clap a handies rhyme how's about

Clap clap a handies
Daddy's going to come
Bring Annie a biscuit
And Fiona she'll get none

or alternatively to avoid sibling rivalry the last line can read
And a wee sugar plum

Researching M(a)cKenzie, McCammond, McLachlan, Kerr, Assur, Renton, Redpath, Ferguson, Shedden, Also Oswald, Le/assels/Lascelles, Bonning just for starters

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Post by sheilajim » Fri Dec 16, 2005 9:47 pm

Hi Nina

I know the song I saw Esau, but I don't know that it has anything to do with Scotland.

It goes like this:

I saw Esau sitting on the seesaw
I saw Esau with my girl
I saw Esau sitting on the seesaw, giving her a merry twirl
I saw he - He saw me
I saw red and got so sore
So I got a saw and I sawed Esau off that old seesaw.

Was that the one she told you?
xmas:biggrin: xmas:biggrin:

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Post by ninatoo » Sat Dec 17, 2005 2:27 am

Awww that is the Esau song alright! Hehe!

Pinkshoes....i don't know about the pie and umbrella one...sounds interesting! Maybe someone else will know it.

Mine is (said fast)

"A man says to me "Is that you?"
Said I"Me?"
Said he "Aye!"
Said I "No!"
Said he "Well, its offee like ye!"

Joette I have heard of Skinny Malinky Long Legs Big banana feet....but I didn't know the rest!

Oh this is fun...