Irish Geneology Site -

Northern Ireland and Eire

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Irish Geneology Site -

Post by WilmaM » Fri Apr 19, 2019 1:19 pm

After my recent trip 'Home', I'm diving down the rabbit hole that is Irish Geneoglogy.

It's been a long time since I ventured there.

I was pleasantly surprised [ :shock: stunned?] to find this brilliant web site :

Lots of records and scans of the registrars books and it's FREE!
We are pleased to advise that in early 2019, an additional 2 years of records of births, marriages and deaths will be added to the website. The marriage Index data along with additional images will also be updated for the years 1864-1869 inclusive. The years covered by the release of the historic records of Births, Marriages and Deaths after this update will be;

Births: 1864 to 1918 Marriages: 1864* to 1943 Deaths: 1878* to 1968
I've been furiously downloading several branches using family lore and the 1901/11 census information, mainly events from 1880's-1910's, and so far I'm just in Fermanagh and Down.

I haven't got my head round what is or isn't there or how far the records go, but I've certainly got a lot more I started with.

I've got lots of info from Enniskillen castle about various other resources that I've still to investigate.

Elwyn 1
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Re: Irish Geneology Site -

Post by Elwyn 1 » Fri Apr 19, 2019 8:27 pm


You say you are not sure what’s missing.

1. The site only has records for Northern Ireland up to 31.12.1921. None after that date. Only GRONI have those and they are pay to view.

2. Birth and death registration started in Ireland in 1864. The birth records are complete up to 1916. 1917 & 1918 will be added shortly (and will increased a year at a time as Scotlandspeople does, in January each year).

3. Deaths 1864 to 1877 are not on-line yet but may be added some time in the not too distant future. Deaths post 1966 are not on-line.

4. Marriage registration started on 1.4.1845 for non RC marriages and from 1.1.1864 for RC. The marriages for 1845 - 1863 are not included but may be added later. They look to be some time away. Marriages for 1864 – 1869 should be added shortly.

It’s slightly complicated, especially because of partition but hopefully that should make sense.