can anybody help?
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- Location: glasgow scotland
can anybody help?
I have a relative Donald Brennan Mclean who was a master mariner on a ship called The Earl of Glasgow.He died in 1906 in a Bangor hospital after a fall on board ship. he was born in 1861 and was married at the time to a Catherine McKenzie. Can anybody out there tell me how to get some information on this.
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Hi Mossiepossie:
Someone will have a more direct and concise answer for you, I'm sure, but in the meantime ...
There may be something helpful in our Seafaring thread which includes
All the best,
Someone will have a more direct and concise answer for you, I'm sure, but in the meantime ...
There may be something helpful in our Seafaring thread which includes
- Seaman Merchant Services
Death At Sea?
Died at sea?
Missing death record
All the best,
John Kelly (b 22 Sep 1897) eldest child of John Kelly & Christina Lipsett Kelly of Glasgow
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Hi Mossiepossie,
I assume you have found his death record in the FreeBMD Index?
England & Wales, FreeBMD Death Index: 1837-1983
Name:Donald Brennan McLean
Estimated Birth Year:abt 1861
Year of Registration:1906
Quarter of Registration:Oct-Nov-Dec
Age at Death:45
County:Anglesey, Caernarvonshire, Gwynedd
Have you ordered the certificate?
Or, is your question that you want to find out more about what happened, for example newspaper articles and the like?
I assume you have found his death record in the FreeBMD Index?
England & Wales, FreeBMD Death Index: 1837-1983
Name:Donald Brennan McLean
Estimated Birth Year:abt 1861
Year of Registration:1906
Quarter of Registration:Oct-Nov-Dec
Age at Death:45
County:Anglesey, Caernarvonshire, Gwynedd
Have you ordered the certificate?
Or, is your question that you want to find out more about what happened, for example newspaper articles and the like?
- Posts: 3924
- Joined: Fri Jun 22, 2007 3:20 am
- Location: Australia
Hello Mossiepossie,
I didn’t really get too far with this one.
There’s a 2005 query on this site from Australia regarding possibly the same person ... 1117011811
Couldn’t see any mention in the London Times or anything obvious in a Scotsman search. The Newspapers Digitisation Project: British Newspapers 1800-1900 won’t be any use when it’s complete. Maybe something appeared in his hometown paper.
Information about Merchant Marine records at National Archives are at ... /step1.htm etc. already mentioned in the sticky.
I suppose there may have been an inquest. I couldn’t find any thing at National Archives about this but the Gwynedd Council may have records in one of their Record Offices presumably Caernarfon. You may have to contact them to make sure. ... &doc=12971
Hope this helps a bit,
I didn’t really get too far with this one.
There’s a 2005 query on this site from Australia regarding possibly the same person ... 1117011811
Couldn’t see any mention in the London Times or anything obvious in a Scotsman search. The Newspapers Digitisation Project: British Newspapers 1800-1900 won’t be any use when it’s complete. Maybe something appeared in his hometown paper.
Information about Merchant Marine records at National Archives are at ... /step1.htm etc. already mentioned in the sticky.
I suppose there may have been an inquest. I couldn’t find any thing at National Archives about this but the Gwynedd Council may have records in one of their Record Offices presumably Caernarfon. You may have to contact them to make sure. ... &doc=12971
Hope this helps a bit,
- Posts: 45
- Joined: Tue May 08, 2007 6:38 pm
- Location: glasgow scotland
can anybody help?
I have the death record from the free BMDindex, i'm going to give you what info I have on this News clipping Donald McLean BIBLE-LESS BANGOR INFIRMARY, Mr. Pentir Williams the Carnarvonshire coroner last night opened an inquest at Bangor Infirmary on Donald McLean chief officer of the steamship Earl of Glasgow, who died at the infirmary yesterday morning from concussion of the brain and injury to the spinal cord the result of falling down the hold of his vessel. There being no bile of testament at hand the jury were sworn on block by the scotch method. the inquiry was adjourned. I have no dates on this article. It was sent to me from a family member in Australia. Does this help to get me information.
- Posts: 3924
- Joined: Fri Jun 22, 2007 3:20 am
- Location: Australia
Still not getting very far, Mossiepossie, despite the extra info.
If he was buried in Bangor the records may be at Bangor Crematorium ... &doc=17277
Found some snippets of similar news from the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald (a localish paper) but it wasn’t with the snippets. Another local paper is the North Wales Chronicle. The snippet you have could be from anywhere but the odds are you already have the most you’ll get out of a newspaper unless there was something particularly newsworthy about the event. Sounds like one of those old yellowed clippings you see from time to time most of which don’t have a date or newspaper name
You’ll find more about Pentir Williams, the coroner if you Google. Looks like he was Mayor at one time and there’s a picture.
If you don’t have the actual Death Certificate you could apply for one. The death date would likely be between mid September and the end of December. They are much more expensive and don’t contain nearly as much info as a Scottish certificate. For a hint re this see Trish’s post at the bottom of this thread viewtopic.php?t=10682.
If you go to this Archives Network Wales page and search for Coroner you’ll find reference under 3. Caernarfon Record Office to Coroners records to 1870 whereas they have later records for other Counties so maybe post 1870 Caernarfon records are still with the Coroner. The record Office should know
I believe the term Chief Officer means that he was the Chief Mate i.e. the 2nd in command rather than the Captain although he quite possibly held a Masters ticket
Someone I knew used to swear people in on the Dictionary when a Bible wasn’t available. He figured that they looked much the same and no one would notice, in any case all the words were there, just rearranged. And that’s the truth, I’d swear to it on a Thesaurus.
All the best,
LATER: If you try this search engine to search for “Donald Brennan McLean” and also for “Donald McLean””Bangor” you’ll get separate interesting, but possibly confusing, results at “SCOTLANDS FAMILY TREE (The friendly forum!)”. But not so friendly they’ll let me look without registering so I didn’t bother.
If he was buried in Bangor the records may be at Bangor Crematorium ... &doc=17277
Found some snippets of similar news from the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald (a localish paper) but it wasn’t with the snippets. Another local paper is the North Wales Chronicle. The snippet you have could be from anywhere but the odds are you already have the most you’ll get out of a newspaper unless there was something particularly newsworthy about the event. Sounds like one of those old yellowed clippings you see from time to time most of which don’t have a date or newspaper name
You’ll find more about Pentir Williams, the coroner if you Google. Looks like he was Mayor at one time and there’s a picture.
If you don’t have the actual Death Certificate you could apply for one. The death date would likely be between mid September and the end of December. They are much more expensive and don’t contain nearly as much info as a Scottish certificate. For a hint re this see Trish’s post at the bottom of this thread viewtopic.php?t=10682.
If you go to this Archives Network Wales page and search for Coroner you’ll find reference under 3. Caernarfon Record Office to Coroners records to 1870 whereas they have later records for other Counties so maybe post 1870 Caernarfon records are still with the Coroner. The record Office should know
I believe the term Chief Officer means that he was the Chief Mate i.e. the 2nd in command rather than the Captain although he quite possibly held a Masters ticket
Someone I knew used to swear people in on the Dictionary when a Bible wasn’t available. He figured that they looked much the same and no one would notice, in any case all the words were there, just rearranged. And that’s the truth, I’d swear to it on a Thesaurus.
All the best,
LATER: If you try this search engine to search for “Donald Brennan McLean” and also for “Donald McLean””Bangor” you’ll get separate interesting, but possibly confusing, results at “SCOTLANDS FAMILY TREE (The friendly forum!)”. But not so friendly they’ll let me look without registering so I didn’t bother.
- Posts: 45
- Joined: Tue May 08, 2007 6:38 pm
- Location: glasgow scotland
can anybody help?
Hi everybody, unfortuneatly I don't think i'm going to get much further with this. I appreciate all your help, if you find out anything else will you let me know. Regards Pat.