Dear all!
I have long experience using genealogy sources in Norway/Denmark and if you need help in finding people or advice about how to search in these areas, I will be happy to help
Need help with Norwegian or Danish ancestors ?
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Need help with Norwegian or Danish ancestors ?
[color=#800040]Best regards,
Member of Norwegian and Danish genealogical societies[/color]
Member of Norwegian and Danish genealogical societies[/color]
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Re: Need help with Norwegian or Danish ancestors ?
Hi everyone,
I can vouch for Litta's expertise, as she has just been a great help finding my sister's mother-in-law's family in 19th century Norway. If you're not used to researching in this area, the genealogy sites are a bit bewildering, although free to all I may be a linguistics prof, but my (non-existent) Norwegian is definitely not up to the task!
Bring out your Vikings
Thanks again, Litta!
I can vouch for Litta's expertise, as she has just been a great help finding my sister's mother-in-law's family in 19th century Norway. If you're not used to researching in this area, the genealogy sites are a bit bewildering, although free to all I may be a linguistics prof, but my (non-existent) Norwegian is definitely not up to the task!
Bring out your Vikings
Thanks again, Litta!
- Posts: 35
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- Location: Born in Denmark, living in Bergen, Norway
Re: Need help with Norwegian or Danish ancestors ?
Thanks for the kind words, Sarah
It is always fun to help solve some mysteries and over the last years I have received incredible much help myself.
It is always fun to help solve some mysteries and over the last years I have received incredible much help myself.
[color=#800040]Best regards,
Member of Norwegian and Danish genealogical societies[/color]
Member of Norwegian and Danish genealogical societies[/color]
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Re: Need help with Norwegian or Danish ancestors ?
Oh I do wish I had some documented Viking ancestors.I am positive there is some in there somewhere but so far back as to be lost in the mists of time....
What a kind offer you have made.
What a kind offer you have made.
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CARR/LEITCH-Scotland,Ireland(County Donegal)
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Re: Need help with Norwegian or Danish ancestors ?
I have a Danish lady in my Handspinning group who told me her Danish husband is having trouble with his ancestors so I will pass this on to her..
Thanks wini
Thanks wini
Munro, McPhee, Gunn, Reid, McCreadie, Jackson, Cree, McFarland,Gillies,Gebbie,McCallum,Dawson
Glasgow, Durness,Kilmuir via Uig, Logie Easter
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Glasgow, Durness,Kilmuir via Uig, Logie Easter
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- Posts: 35
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- Location: Born in Denmark, living in Bergen, Norway
Re: Need help with Norwegian or Danish ancestors ?
I look forward to hearing from herwini wrote:I have a Danish lady in my Handspinning group who told me her Danish husband is having trouble with his ancestors so I will pass this on to her..
Thanks wini
[color=#800040]Best regards,
Member of Norwegian and Danish genealogical societies[/color]
Member of Norwegian and Danish genealogical societies[/color]
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- Joined: Sun Apr 11, 2010 11:27 pm
Re: Need help with Norwegian or Danish ancestors ?
Hello Litta
Yes I would be very grateful for some assistance with my Danish Ancestors.
I found a birth cert. (declaration of birth made in New Zealand 1902) of my grandfathers, amongst my desc'd mothers things and it reads:
Lars Philip West:
Born at: Knudsker Riding (?) Bornholm Denmark
28th day November 1853
Fathers Name: Christian Peter Westh Farmer. 29yrs old at time of this birth
Mother's name: Wilhelmina Westh - Maiden name: Rask or Rasch.(?) 27yrs old at the time of this birth
My grandfather Lars Philip Westh went to sea when he was 14 with an Uncle -name (?) so was a Mariner till settling in New Zealand
I believe there were at least 6 other brothers but no-one in New Zealand has ever had any contact with them or knows what happened to them or there families. Though I believe one went to America
I will see what other information I can find amongst these things
Thanking you
Kind regards
Yes I would be very grateful for some assistance with my Danish Ancestors.
I found a birth cert. (declaration of birth made in New Zealand 1902) of my grandfathers, amongst my desc'd mothers things and it reads:
Lars Philip West:
Born at: Knudsker Riding (?) Bornholm Denmark
28th day November 1853
Fathers Name: Christian Peter Westh Farmer. 29yrs old at time of this birth
Mother's name: Wilhelmina Westh - Maiden name: Rask or Rasch.(?) 27yrs old at the time of this birth
My grandfather Lars Philip Westh went to sea when he was 14 with an Uncle -name (?) so was a Mariner till settling in New Zealand
I believe there were at least 6 other brothers but no-one in New Zealand has ever had any contact with them or knows what happened to them or there families. Though I believe one went to America
I will see what other information I can find amongst these things
Thanking you
Kind regards
Last edited by houston on Sat Apr 24, 2010 10:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Posts: 35
- Joined: Sun Feb 28, 2010 2:31 pm
- Location: Born in Denmark, living in Bergen, Norway
Re: Need help with Norwegian or Danish ancestors ?
I will be happy to help, if I can! (My youngest son i actually returning from New Zealand tomoorow, after spending 3 months at Paihia)
I did a quick search in the census records and found the family in 1855:
Bornholm, Vester, Knudsker, Knudsker, en Gaard, 80, FT-1855, C3326
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Christian Westh 30 Gift Gaardmand, Huusfader Rønne
Philipmine F. Rask 28 Gift Hans Kone Knudsker
Jens Larsen Westh 2 Ugift Deres Søn Knudsker
Jens Larsen Westh 58 Enkemand Huusfaderens Fader, der af ham forsørges Knudsker
Kirstine Jensen 19 Ugift Tjenestepige Knudsker
As you see, the name of the son is not correct, but that is probably just a mistake in this record. Jens Larsen Westh, age 58, is the father of Christian.
In 1860, Christian must have died and Philipmine remarried:
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Jens Rømer 37 Gift Gaardfæster, Husfader Vestermarie sogn
Philipmine Margrethe Rasch 33 Gift Hans Kone Knudsker sogn
Lars Philip Westh 7 Ugift Husfaderens Stedsøn Knudsker sogn
Jens Christian Rømer 3 Ugift Husfaderens Søn Knudsker sogn
Jens Larsen Westh 64 Enkemand Forsørges af Husfaderen Rønne
Ingerstine Olson 26 Ugift Tjenestepige Sverig
Now Lars Philip is correct , as you can see.
The family in 1870:
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Jens Rømmer 46 Gift Husfader Gårdmand Vestermarie sogn
Phillipmine Rømmer 43 Gift Husmoder Knudsker sogn
Lars Phillip West 16 Ugift Deres Søn Knudsker sogn
Jens Christian Rømer 12 Ugift Deres Søn Knudsker sogn
Herman Martin Rømer 9 Ugift Deres Søn Knudsker sogn
Vigo Rask Rømer 4 Ugift Deres Søn Knudsker sogn
Karl Minus Rømer 1 Ugift Deres Søn Knudsker sogn
Emilie Syerine 16 Ugift Tjenestetyende Sverig
In 1880 he is still living with his family:
Bornholm, Vester, Knudsker, Knudsker, en Gård, 29, FT-1880, C3587
Navn: Alder: Civilstand: Stilling i husstanden: Erhverv: Fødested:
Jens Rømer 56 Gift Husmand, Husfader, Maskinmester Vestermarie sogn
Magrethe Rømer F. Rask 53 Gift Hans Hustru Knudsker sogn
Karl Minius Rømer 11 Ugift Deres Søn Knudsker sogn
Johane Lovise Jensen 25 Ugift Tjenestepige Klemensker sogn
Lars Fily Vest 26 Ugift Peder Vestes Søn, Snedker Knudsker sogn
Jens Kristian Rømer 22 Ugift Maskinmester Rømers Søn Knudsker sogn
Just a brief lesson in Danish:
Hans = his
Kone = Wife
Stedsøn= Stepson
Husfader= 'housefather' - head of household
sogn = parish
Knudsker is here: ... 5&t=h&z=13
In a few days the sunny weather we have now will be replaced by heavy rain and I will spend more time indoors. Then I shall look up the parish records and see what I can find of original entries.
I will be happy to help, if I can! (My youngest son i actually returning from New Zealand tomoorow, after spending 3 months at Paihia)
I did a quick search in the census records and found the family in 1855:
Bornholm, Vester, Knudsker, Knudsker, en Gaard, 80, FT-1855, C3326
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Christian Westh 30 Gift Gaardmand, Huusfader Rønne
Philipmine F. Rask 28 Gift Hans Kone Knudsker
Jens Larsen Westh 2 Ugift Deres Søn Knudsker
Jens Larsen Westh 58 Enkemand Huusfaderens Fader, der af ham forsørges Knudsker
Kirstine Jensen 19 Ugift Tjenestepige Knudsker
As you see, the name of the son is not correct, but that is probably just a mistake in this record. Jens Larsen Westh, age 58, is the father of Christian.
In 1860, Christian must have died and Philipmine remarried:
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Jens Rømer 37 Gift Gaardfæster, Husfader Vestermarie sogn
Philipmine Margrethe Rasch 33 Gift Hans Kone Knudsker sogn
Lars Philip Westh 7 Ugift Husfaderens Stedsøn Knudsker sogn
Jens Christian Rømer 3 Ugift Husfaderens Søn Knudsker sogn
Jens Larsen Westh 64 Enkemand Forsørges af Husfaderen Rønne
Ingerstine Olson 26 Ugift Tjenestepige Sverig
Now Lars Philip is correct , as you can see.
The family in 1870:
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Jens Rømmer 46 Gift Husfader Gårdmand Vestermarie sogn
Phillipmine Rømmer 43 Gift Husmoder Knudsker sogn
Lars Phillip West 16 Ugift Deres Søn Knudsker sogn
Jens Christian Rømer 12 Ugift Deres Søn Knudsker sogn
Herman Martin Rømer 9 Ugift Deres Søn Knudsker sogn
Vigo Rask Rømer 4 Ugift Deres Søn Knudsker sogn
Karl Minus Rømer 1 Ugift Deres Søn Knudsker sogn
Emilie Syerine 16 Ugift Tjenestetyende Sverig
In 1880 he is still living with his family:
Bornholm, Vester, Knudsker, Knudsker, en Gård, 29, FT-1880, C3587
Navn: Alder: Civilstand: Stilling i husstanden: Erhverv: Fødested:
Jens Rømer 56 Gift Husmand, Husfader, Maskinmester Vestermarie sogn
Magrethe Rømer F. Rask 53 Gift Hans Hustru Knudsker sogn
Karl Minius Rømer 11 Ugift Deres Søn Knudsker sogn
Johane Lovise Jensen 25 Ugift Tjenestepige Klemensker sogn
Lars Fily Vest 26 Ugift Peder Vestes Søn, Snedker Knudsker sogn
Jens Kristian Rømer 22 Ugift Maskinmester Rømers Søn Knudsker sogn
Just a brief lesson in Danish:
Hans = his
Kone = Wife
Stedsøn= Stepson
Husfader= 'housefather' - head of household
sogn = parish
Knudsker is here: ... 5&t=h&z=13
In a few days the sunny weather we have now will be replaced by heavy rain and I will spend more time indoors. Then I shall look up the parish records and see what I can find of original entries.
[color=#800040]Best regards,
Member of Norwegian and Danish genealogical societies[/color]
Member of Norwegian and Danish genealogical societies[/color]
- Posts: 35
- Joined: Sun Feb 28, 2010 2:31 pm
- Location: Born in Denmark, living in Bergen, Norway
Re: Need help with Norwegian or Danish ancestors ?
Hi again
Going backwards in time, i thought I would make a new entry, so that it should not be too confusing.
Census 1850:
Christian Peter is still unmarried and living with his father Jens Larsen and his grandmother Kirstine. The name of the farm is 'Gildesboet'.
Bornholm, Vester, Knudsker, St. Knuds, Gildesboet, 23, FT-1850, C3069
Navn: Alder: Civilstand: Stilling i husstanden: Erhverv: Fødested:
Jens Larsen West 55 Enkemand Gaardforpagter, Huusfader Rønne
Christian Peter West 25 Ugift Hans søn Rønne
Kirstine 85 Enke Huusfaderens Moder St. Clemens
Marthe Kirstine 19 Ugift Tjenestepige St. knuds
Census 1845:
Both his parents are alive:
Bornholm, Vester, Knudsker, , Gården "Gildesboet", 88, FT-1845, A0591
Navn: Alder: Civilstand: Stilling i husstanden: Erhverv: Fødested:
Jens Larsen Westh gift Gårdbruger Rønne Købstad - Bornholms Amt
Karen Westh gift hans kone [Jens Larsen Westh] Rønne Købstad - Bornholms Amt
Christian P. Westh ugift deres barn [Jens Larsen Westh/Karen Larsen Westh] Rønne Købstad - Bornholms Amt
Marius Øster - Plejesøn Rønne Købstad - Bornholms Amt
Kirstine Jensen enke Husmoders moder Klemensker Sogn - Bornholms Amt
Census 1850:
Philipmine as the stepdaughter of the head of the household
Bornholm, Vester, Rønne Købstad, Sønder Qvarter NO.6, Matr. Nr. 132aaa, 1, FT-1850, A7145
Navn: Alder: Civilstand: Stilling i husstanden: Erhverv: Fødested:
Didrich Lyster 40 gift Daglønner & Husfader Aaker Sogn - Bornholms Amt
Magrethe Mongsen, Mogensen 50 gift hans kone Sandvig Købstad - Bornholms Amt
Philipmine Rachs 23 ugift husfaderens steddatter Knudsker Sogn - Bornholms Amt
Lauritz Lyster 15 ugift deres søn Knudsker Sogn - Bornholms Amt
Census 1845:
Philipmine as servant
Bornholm, Vester, Rønne Købstad, Vester Kvarter, NO. 372, 437/F2, FT-1845, A0604
Navn: Alder: Civilstand: Stilling i husstanden: Erhverv: Fødested:
Carl J. Jessen 28 gift Adjunkt ved Rønne Lærde Skole København
Katinke Jessen 31 gift hans kone [Carl J. Jessen] København
Philipmine Rasch 19 ugift Tjenestepige Knudsker Sogn - Bornholms Amt
Census 1834
Philipmine with her parents and 2 siblings
Bornholm, Vester, Knudsker, , En Gaard, 68, FT-1834, C0133
Navn: Alder: Civilstand: Stilling i husstanden: Erhverv: Fødested:
Didrik Lyster 24 Gift Beboer af Gaarden
Margrethe Kirstine Jensdatter 36 Gift hans Kone
Christine Hermine Rasch 10 deres Børn
Philupmine Rasch 8 deres Børn
Philup Lyster 3 deres Børn
Arid Vejdemand 23 Ugift Tjenestefolk
Karen Marie Hæle 24 Ugift Tjenestefolk
You have probably many questions and I will be happy to answer them if I can!
Going backwards in time, i thought I would make a new entry, so that it should not be too confusing.
Census 1850:
Christian Peter is still unmarried and living with his father Jens Larsen and his grandmother Kirstine. The name of the farm is 'Gildesboet'.
Bornholm, Vester, Knudsker, St. Knuds, Gildesboet, 23, FT-1850, C3069
Navn: Alder: Civilstand: Stilling i husstanden: Erhverv: Fødested:
Jens Larsen West 55 Enkemand Gaardforpagter, Huusfader Rønne
Christian Peter West 25 Ugift Hans søn Rønne
Kirstine 85 Enke Huusfaderens Moder St. Clemens
Marthe Kirstine 19 Ugift Tjenestepige St. knuds
Census 1845:
Both his parents are alive:
Bornholm, Vester, Knudsker, , Gården "Gildesboet", 88, FT-1845, A0591
Navn: Alder: Civilstand: Stilling i husstanden: Erhverv: Fødested:
Jens Larsen Westh gift Gårdbruger Rønne Købstad - Bornholms Amt
Karen Westh gift hans kone [Jens Larsen Westh] Rønne Købstad - Bornholms Amt
Christian P. Westh ugift deres barn [Jens Larsen Westh/Karen Larsen Westh] Rønne Købstad - Bornholms Amt
Marius Øster - Plejesøn Rønne Købstad - Bornholms Amt
Kirstine Jensen enke Husmoders moder Klemensker Sogn - Bornholms Amt
Census 1850:
Philipmine as the stepdaughter of the head of the household
Bornholm, Vester, Rønne Købstad, Sønder Qvarter NO.6, Matr. Nr. 132aaa, 1, FT-1850, A7145
Navn: Alder: Civilstand: Stilling i husstanden: Erhverv: Fødested:
Didrich Lyster 40 gift Daglønner & Husfader Aaker Sogn - Bornholms Amt
Magrethe Mongsen, Mogensen 50 gift hans kone Sandvig Købstad - Bornholms Amt
Philipmine Rachs 23 ugift husfaderens steddatter Knudsker Sogn - Bornholms Amt
Lauritz Lyster 15 ugift deres søn Knudsker Sogn - Bornholms Amt
Census 1845:
Philipmine as servant
Bornholm, Vester, Rønne Købstad, Vester Kvarter, NO. 372, 437/F2, FT-1845, A0604
Navn: Alder: Civilstand: Stilling i husstanden: Erhverv: Fødested:
Carl J. Jessen 28 gift Adjunkt ved Rønne Lærde Skole København
Katinke Jessen 31 gift hans kone [Carl J. Jessen] København
Philipmine Rasch 19 ugift Tjenestepige Knudsker Sogn - Bornholms Amt
Census 1834
Philipmine with her parents and 2 siblings
Bornholm, Vester, Knudsker, , En Gaard, 68, FT-1834, C0133
Navn: Alder: Civilstand: Stilling i husstanden: Erhverv: Fødested:
Didrik Lyster 24 Gift Beboer af Gaarden
Margrethe Kirstine Jensdatter 36 Gift hans Kone
Christine Hermine Rasch 10 deres Børn
Philupmine Rasch 8 deres Børn
Philup Lyster 3 deres Børn
Arid Vejdemand 23 Ugift Tjenestefolk
Karen Marie Hæle 24 Ugift Tjenestefolk
You have probably many questions and I will be happy to answer them if I can!
[color=#800040]Best regards,
Member of Norwegian and Danish genealogical societies[/color]
Member of Norwegian and Danish genealogical societies[/color]
- Posts: 13
- Joined: Sun Apr 11, 2010 11:27 pm
Re: Need help with Norwegian or Danish ancestors ?
Hi Littaol
I am blown away with the result you posted and feel sad my Mum is not here to read it. It will be so good now a start has been made for my cousins and the children to know they have some extended families out there somewhere
I wonder how far they go back - to Viking times I guess. Although Scandanavia also have Germanic origins dont they?
I guess you son must be a surfer to go to Paihi - a rough beach but the surfers like it - they do a TV series on it. About the lifesavers
You will have to come down with him nest time - God has blessed us with a beautiful country and not unlike Norway down South around the Fiords.
Thanks for the postings Littaol
Is there and places I could be searching to be helpful
Look forward to hearing again
Kindest regards
I am blown away with the result you posted and feel sad my Mum is not here to read it. It will be so good now a start has been made for my cousins and the children to know they have some extended families out there somewhere
I wonder how far they go back - to Viking times I guess. Although Scandanavia also have Germanic origins dont they?
I guess you son must be a surfer to go to Paihi - a rough beach but the surfers like it - they do a TV series on it. About the lifesavers
You will have to come down with him nest time - God has blessed us with a beautiful country and not unlike Norway down South around the Fiords.
Thanks for the postings Littaol
Is there and places I could be searching to be helpful
Look forward to hearing again
Kindest regards