Record Sources in Holland

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Record Sources in Holland

Post by DunEdin15 » Tue Jun 25, 2013 7:37 pm


I'm just wondering if anyone can give me some pointers for doing research in Holland. Where are the main records deposited and what are they? Are any of them available in English? I'm doing an assignment for IHGS in Canterbury and it relates to a family who settled in Guernsey with connections to Holland, France, London and Hampshire. I've to hypothetically identify what record sources I could use to trace their migration and offer some reasons why they might migrate back to the 16th Century.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


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Re: Record Sources in Holland

Post by SarahND » Tue Jun 25, 2013 9:03 pm

Hello Lorna and [TS_welcome]
I had good luck a few years ago posting a query on Ancestry/Rootsweb Netherlands message board: ... ds/mb.ashx

Several helpful people jumped in and walked me through the process. With luck you can locate the person's "gezinskaart" that tells everything official known about them, where they lived, etc.

According to Family Search Wiki, the "genlias" site that I used before has turned into:

Have a look at the wiki, there are many helpful hints: ... al_Records

You can always ask questions in English on the message boards, as most will understand, but to actually navigate the sites you may need to decipher some Dutch. Luckily, Dutch was one of the languages I needed for my doctorate, so I limped through fairly well.

Good luck!
All the best,