That Barton Brickwall in the Americas? .....

Canada, USA, Mexico, Central America, South America, Carribean

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Re: That Barton Brickwall in the Americas? .....

Post by CDNB » Thu Jan 19, 2017 4:03 pm


I am new to this forum from Alberta Canada, and find that I am also looking for the same James Barton (Burton), and Margaret McLuckie information.
He is also my 3rd Great Grandfather.
I have various theories for who the reclusive James is. I am not sure if you have found any further information on them as I see this post is fairly old.

I am on ancestry and am currently awaiting my DNA results. I had thought of using someone to assist, but I saw the fee on Ancestry and that thought went out the window.

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Re: That Barton Brickwall in the Americas? .....

Post by SarahND » Thu Jan 19, 2017 4:24 pm

Hello CDNB and [TS_welcome]

Although this is an old post, Stewie is a regular on Talking Scot -- you're in luck! I'm sure he'll get back to you soon.

Best wishes,

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Re: That Barton Brickwall in the Americas? .....

Post by StewL » Sun Jan 22, 2017 11:28 pm

Hello CDNB
I am afraid the Barton in America bit was due to reading a census incorrectly it was a listing above that had the America bit.
I will get back to you soon as it is early in the morning here where I live and the brain still wants to sleep

Searching for: Anderson, Balks, Barton, Courtney, Davidson, Downie, Dunlop, Edward, Flucker, Galloway, Graham, Guthrie, Higgins, Laurie, Mathieson, McLean, McLuckie, Miln, Nielson, Payne, Phillips, Porterfield, Stewart, Watson

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Re: That Barton Brickwall in the Americas? .....

Post by CDNB » Thu Jan 26, 2017 5:55 pm

Hi there,

Thanks for your response.

I did find a census 1841 for James and George Burton that stated Lanarkshire, Scotland then the following year James and George Barton British Subject, America.

The marriage Bann shows Burton... now I was wondering if it was an error or if it was changed.
