Seamore Street, Glasgow.....

The History and Geography of Auld Scotia

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Re: Seamore Street, Glasgow.....

Post by gerry » Fri May 28, 2010 5:10 am

seamore st is still there i was born there in 1959 and still stay in the maryhill area

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Re: Seamore Street, Glasgow.....

Post by SarahND » Fri May 28, 2010 8:01 pm

Hi Gerry and welcome to [talkingscot] !
Thanks for the post about Seamore Street. We look forward to helping you break down your genealogical brick walls :D

All the best,

John Macintyre
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Re: Seamore Street, Glasgow.....

Post by John Macintyre » Sat Apr 11, 2015 5:31 pm

Hi folks,
I come to this post late in the day ,however I may have something to contribute, I lived at 67 Seamore St from 10943 till 1961 it ran from Maryhill Rd where the Little Folks drinking fountain was situated { Sadly demolished by the usual barbarians masquerading as councillors in approximately 1980 when it was removed and demolished.} up to what was then known as the coffin works beside Mitchell's dairy a business run by Jimmy and Peggy Mitchell and Peggy's sister Betsy where it made a right angle turn and joined Napershall St.The houses were all grey sand stone tenements of 3 stories, 3 flats in the close ( Single ends of one bedroom and a shared toilet between three.) and two flats on each landing above, the slightly larger properties all had their own internal WC.s
Unfortunately Subsidence was a problem with some of the properties in the street, my own home had a very marked list to the left when facing the close mouth which may have marked the properties as being not possible for refurbishment and led to their wholesale demolition in the 80s I am led to believe that there had been mining in this area sometime early in the 19th century.

About half way along it was met by St Clair St now also sadly obliterated.

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Re: Seamore Street, Glasgow.....

Post by Russell » Sun Apr 12, 2015 12:19 am

Hi John and a warm welcome to [talkingscot]
You joining with additional information just proves that leaving old posts open can still attract additional useful information especially when new names are added which may not be relevant to the original poster but might trigger memories in other members or turn up on Google,

Working on: Oman, Brock, Miller/Millar, in Caithness.
Roan/Rowan, Hastings, Sharp, Lapraik in Ayr & Kirkcudbrightshire.
Johnston, Reside, Lyle all over the place !
McGilvray(spelt 26 different ways)
Watson, Morton, Anderson, Tawse, in Kilrenny

Wee Ann
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Re: Seamore Street, Glasgow.....

Post by Wee Ann » Mon Apr 13, 2015 12:14 am

I thought that I was so much cleverer than everyone else! I was so sure - I went seeking over Paisley Road direction. Just before it becomes Paisley Road West! WRONG! That was SEAWARD STREET! Sorry about that!
Roe/Rowe, Kane, Logue, Harkin, Commons, Gillan, Ireland.
McPherson, Richmond, Bowers, Laird, Russell, Cuthbertson, Scotland

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Re: Seamore Street, Glasgow.....

Post by Rabbie » Sun Aug 14, 2022 2:39 pm

Thanks to John Macintyre and others for their posts. I lived in Seamore Street as a child throughout the 1950s before leaving with my parents for Australia in late 1963. I have strong memories of the buildings, the shops and many of the people who lived there. Some of My memories coincide with John's including Mitchell's dairy and the coffin works. I also remember Mr and Mrs Clyde and their wee shop which was across the road from me; the newsagent who was called Eddie McCabe (wee Eddie); and the fruit and vegetable shop on the corner of Seamore Street and Maryhill Road. There was also a police box on that corner. Some of the children in the street around my age included John Campbell, Jack Main, James Fagan and Colin Bennett. I did all my primary schooling at Napiershall Street Primary until I left in 1963. It was a little community of good working-class people. Fondly remembered.

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Re: Seamore Street, Glasgow.....

Post by ClareBlues » Sat Jan 13, 2024 12:55 pm

My dad, David Blues b.1918 lived at 31 Seamore Street with his brother Charlie and sister Isabel until he was called up in the war. His dad Alexander was a motorman and his mum Isabella was quite a character I believe. Underneath the flats on the ground floor the walls had been removed and it was taken over by the Co-op funeral department where they made wooden coffins. My dad and his friends played at running in the open front from the pavement shouting 'Have you any empty boxes?' and running away. My uncle, Cameron, was a sergeant and was in charge of the blue police box. My cousin well remembers the fruit and vegetable shop on the corner of Seamore Street and Maryhill Road which we think was called Kinnairds. If any one has pictures or memories please share, I would love to see them.

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Re: Seamore Street, Glasgow.....

Post by WilmaM » Sat Jan 13, 2024 2:02 pm

Hi Clare and [TS_welcome] ,

you may find some photos on the virtual mitchell web site: