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The History and Geography of Auld Scotia

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Post by LesleyB » Thu Apr 27, 2006 3:50 pm

See Mullguy - I thought it wiz Millguy almost as you mentioned David, with the "i" almost a "u" sound: Mullguy
Yes, I know I'm an east coaster but a member of my west coast family used to work there and that is how they pronounce it - the accent on the second syllable.

You could always meet up with one/several of the TS lot in Scotland and have a secret pronuncation practice session before you are let loose on the natives!! :lol:

Oh ...and Moonzie is actually Moon-yee. Probably because it follows "ye olde" rule about the letter "yogh", which looks like the letter Z ...but isn't.

Best wishes
Last edited by LesleyB on Thu Apr 27, 2006 6:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by JustJean » Thu Apr 27, 2006 3:59 pm

Perfect ochs....aye that'll be me :lol: !

Matter of fact I do want to get through some of Ayrshire so we just might meet. 8) I have a distant cousin in Maybole (thankfully I think I can handle that one...unless it's really May Bool :? )

OK...then whit dae ah dae aboot CULZEAN as in castle???


Jean Jeanie
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Post by Jean Jeanie » Thu Apr 27, 2006 4:13 pm

Hi nameskae!!

I think it is pronounced Cullen Castle.


How do you pronounce Aberchirder? Can't get my tongue round that one at all!!


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Post by Russell » Thu Apr 27, 2006 4:15 pm

Ye'll be aw richt wi' CULLane.
But if your on the other side of the country please don't pronounce Gullane in the same way. Those wi money and the big hooses pronounce it Gillan. Lothian folk call it Gullin.

In Fife Anstruther is Ainster and the main town sounds like a perpetual Sunday 'Kirk a' day'

For more ch practice try Machrihanish which is on the Mull of Kintyre. Hold a tissue up in front of your face while you practice and that way your print-out wont get sprayed.

Working on: Oman, Brock, Miller/Millar, in Caithness.
Roan/Rowan, Hastings, Sharp, Lapraik in Ayr & Kirkcudbrightshire.
Johnston, Reside, Lyle all over the place !
McGilvray(spelt 26 different ways)
Watson, Morton, Anderson, Tawse, in Kilrenny

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Post by JustJean » Thu Apr 27, 2006 4:32 pm

Russell wrote:....snipped.......

In Fife Anstruther is Ainster and the main town sounds like a perpetual Sunday 'Kirk a' day'

For more ch practice try Machrihanish which is on the Mull of Kintyre. Hold a tissue up in front of your face while you practice and that way your print-out wont get sprayed.

No way :shock: You mean it's not Ann Struther rhymes with in "if I had my druthers I'd so something else instead of practice my ochs" !! And while we're at it..... there is no way at all that Kirkcaldy can lose it's c and l can it??? Oh dear :(

As for Machrihanish.....looks like Macarena to me :D ....did you folks over there get in on that craze a few years back?? I know my US compatriots will know what I'm talking about with that one :lol:

My box of tissues is at hand.....

Best wishes

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Location: Ayrshire Coast

Post by mallog » Thu Apr 27, 2006 5:12 pm

Russell - you are a hoot

Jean -Maybe no macarena but there's some fancy movers in Campbelltown. Years ago used to go dance in Campbelltown whenever we sailed in there and quite a few had the half-bottle in the handbag - yes and that was just the women.
Anderson, McAlpine, Blue - Argyll
Dunn Fife /ML
Coutts, McGregor - Perth/Govan
Glen, Crow, Imrie - Angus
Scott & Pick ML
Mason - Co Down

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Post by Lizzie » Thu Apr 27, 2006 5:25 pm

Milngavie? lived there for a while

definately "mullguy" if you are a local!


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Post by JustJean » Thu Apr 27, 2006 5:25 pm

mallog wrote:......snipped...... Years ago used to go dance in Campbelltown whenever we sailed in there and quite a few had the half-bottle in the handbag - yes and that was just the women.
8) You don't say! :shock: Hivnae found any rellies there yet.... :-

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Post by WilmaM » Thu Apr 27, 2006 5:27 pm

Ok -
all Moray/Banff

How do the locals say:
GOVAN ?Glasgow
CAMELON ? Falkirk

and the one beloved by winter road reports Cock Bridge to Tomintoul

Major tip - if it's got an R in it say it and if it ends in an A don't stick an R on the end :roll:

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Post by CatrionaL » Thu Apr 27, 2006 5:36 pm

Not forgetting the Border towns of

Hawick : HIKE
Jedburgh : JEDDART
Galashiels : GAWLY
Kelso : KELSY
