Cartside House, Kilbarchan

The History and Geography of Auld Scotia

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Re: Cartside House, Kilbarchan

Post by SarahND » Mon Mar 27, 2023 9:46 am

Hello Ruth4 and a warm [TS_welcome]

Sad to say, Russell passed away in 2016 and is much missed on the forum. I hope someone else with local Kilbarchan knowledge will see your post and be able to help.

All the best,


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Re: Cartside House, Kilbarchan

Post by WilmaM » Mon Mar 27, 2023 11:56 am

Hallo, I have no idea how to use this forum. I tried clicking on ‘cemeteries’ but it didn’t take me anywhere.
So Russel, the Kilbarchan guy, I want to know the story behind he gravestone in Black Cart Water, beneath the bridge on Milliken Park Road, that reads Robert Smith 1929-2007 Violet Smith 1933-2014 Met Glasgow 1953 Reunited here forever.
Someone still loves these Smiths coz there were roses scattered on grave yesterday. I want to know more. How do I find out?
Welcome to TS Ruth,
As Sarah said, sadly Russell is no longer with us.

I had a search through the records, google etc and can't really find anything concrete for you.
No deaths in Scotland match the dates you have for a couple of those names.
I suspect it is a favourite spot where their ashes were scattered or something similar.
It's certainly not a marker for an actual grave.
2014 is only 9 years ago so any children, siblings the next generation will still be around to remember them.

Milliken Park Road would really come under Johnstone town rather than Kilbarchan Village [ both lovely places - I was there often in my work in the 1980s, though never ventured near the river.].
There is a History Society for the area,
perhaps they will be able to help. They cover all the smaller Local History Societies, including the Johnstone one. Contact them here:
The Johnstone Museum may be able to shed some light on it too: I believe they have a facebook page too.

Sorry i can't be of more help - you have me intrigued too though, so I f you do find an answer we'd love to hear back from you.