I've got a huge favor to ask! In order to save myself a measure of humiliation when I visit Scotland later this year I'm desperate to figure out certain placenames....as in....How do you say that anyhow???
Lord knows my New England 'ahs' as in car (cah) will be enough of an impediment to the locals so I really would like to be able to get my mouth around a few........

If some kind soul is willing to discuss pronunciations on the following then please please.....elucidate me!

Here's a starter list......I expect to be adding to these regularly!!!
Leith - long e? short e? long i? say the th or not??
Penicuik - is that one like cook on the end? 3 syllables???
Auchtermuchty - I won't even attempt this one other than to guess it's got 4 syllables

Sanquhar - does the qu sound like a qu? 2 syllables...3...more???
Milngavie - say the N? long a short a??

Helensburgh - is this burgh done like Edinburgh???
Wemyss - ok...I'm guessing 1 syllable....maybe like Weems???
You might be wondering what kind of journey I'll be on if I manage to connect all these in one outing

Best wishes