Looking for Scottish Ancestors
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by LesleyB » Mon Feb 05, 2007 12:39 am
Hi Melissa
Great that you have been able to access the OPRs!
Does "Natural" son mean the parents were unmarried?
To be a sailor would he have had to be registered somewhere?
I don't thnk so, not at that time, but I may be wrong. You said earlier:
He was a Seaman in the Merchant service
and I know there are Merchant Navy records - try here for into:
However, due to James probably being illegitimate, there may be some more info in the kirk session records if they have survived for that parish - these at present are only able to be viewed at NAS, either in original form, of most of them are now digitised and can be viewed on the PCs there. Generally if a couple had a child and they were not married they were called up before the kirk session to answer for their behaviour!
Best wishes
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by Melmax » Mon Feb 05, 2007 12:58 am
Thankyou Lesley, I just found a bit on Scotlands people that said "Natural -Illegitimate, born out of wedlock"
So I guess I will have to wait until I can get access to kirk sessions.
(Family legend - states that James Wemyss was ilegitimate, so I'm thinking I'm on the right track with William Wemyss.)
I've also dug up a Margaret Wemyss that was born to William Wemyss and Christian Beveridge in 1816 and it looks like she was illegitimate too!
(the cert say something like "as pressder" rather than lawful)
I'm trying to find siblings as you suggest.
Good grief! I guess I'll have to visit Scotland one day to crack the code.
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by LesleyB » Mon Feb 05, 2007 1:05 am
Hi Melissa
So I guess I will have to wait until I can get access to kirk sessions.
The eventual plan is to have those online too, I believe, but that will be a while away yet!!
Best wishes
michael brett
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by michael brett » Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:45 am
I am researching the Wemyss family, and yes James Wemyss was the illegitimate son of William wemyss and Jean Blythe. I have records regarding the dispute where William denied the being the father. James was a merchant seaman born 07n Aug 1793 at West Wemyss- he died on 25 November 1841. he married Elizabeth Crambie 10 Feb 1829 at West Wemyss. William Wemyss married Christian Beveridge 11 Nov 1993 at West Wemyss and they had five children John born 1799 Isobel born 1801, Rebekah born 1803, Alexander born 1811 and margaret 1816.
i would love to hear of any facts you may have regarding the family.
kindest Regards
michael brett
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by michael brett » Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:39 pm
I am researching the Wemyss family, and yes James Wemyss born 7 aUG 1793 was born to William Wemyss and Jean Blythe. They never married and for some time there was a dispute as to who the father was. I have some details regarding the legal procedings. James died 25 November 1841. He married Elizabeth Crambie(Crombie) 10 Feb 1829 at West Wemyss. William Wemyss married Christian Beveridge 11 Nov 1773 at West Wemyss.,and they had five children John born 1799, isobel born 1801,rebekah born 1803, Alexander born 1811 and margaret born 1816. My grandfather was Robert McIntosh Wemyss born West Wemyss 1868. Are we related? If | can help further please advise. Unfortunately I have only just discovered Talkingscot.com
Kindest regards
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by Melmax » Thu Jun 28, 2012 12:03 am
Hi Mike, that is great. I do have a family tree online
http://jkl57.tribalpages.com/tribe/brow ... =904709610 If you look at all the Wemyss here it goes back in time to James Wemyss married to Elizabeth Crombie.
[Quote: Fife Herald 2nd December 1841 no. 1030; p. 163 KIRKCALDY DISTRICT WEST WEYMSS - Sudden Death - A Sailor, named James Weymss, who had been complaining for sometime back, suddenly dropped down dead in his own house here on Thursday last. He has left a wife and two children. Wedding banns Jul 7 Marriage was Jul 12, 1829. He is recorded as a salior]
This is my Wemyss Brick Wall so it is interesting you have more information

Sorry I haven't replied earlier!
Family researcher
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by Family researcher » Sun Sep 01, 2024 10:55 am
Hi I am also researching James Wemyss who was a Major in the Royal Scots Grays he married Fanny Wemyss in 1823 in Cupar Fife
His daughter Fanny Mary married an Andrew Brown . Fanny died in 1899 in Blairgowrie but her usual residence was Lockton House Inchture
Any advise on this family would be most gratefully appreciated.