James Barlow / Jean Cruickshank from Banff

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Geoff Bates
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James Barlow / Jean Cruickshank from Banff

Post by Geoff Bates » Wed Apr 18, 2018 5:59 am

Hi, trying to find out more information about my 4 x great grandfather James Barlow, sherriff officer of Banff in the 1840's. He appears in 1841 census living in Boyndie Street, Banff with his wife Jean (nee Cruickshank). I can't seem to locate his whereabouts in subsequent census. His daughter Ann's death certificate (Ann Wallace) of 1863 states that James was deceased by 1863, but I just wondered when and where he died if someone can find a record for me. I'm also not sure who his parents are. Could be John Barlow and Agnes Strang if James was born in Lanark in 1798.

Also, James Barlow's wife Jean (or Jane) Cruickshank died some time prior to 1863, but like James I'm not sure when and where she died. I also believe (but am not 100% sure) that Jean was born in 1796 in Botriphnie ?? to George Cruickshank and Margaret Lindram.

Geoff Bates
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Re: James Barlow / Jean Cruickshank from Banff

Post by Geoff Bates » Tue Nov 07, 2023 5:39 am

Hi all,

Further to my original post below. James Barlow, sherriff officer died in Banff in 1848 according to a newspaper article.

I have since come to the conclusion that James Barlow's parents were Richard Barlow and Elspet Henderson. James had three brothers as follows:-

1) Alexander, married to Isabela Ogilvie. He was a salmon fisherman.
2) William, married to Ann Wilson. Also a salmon fisherman.
3) John, married to Jane Leid. He was a seaman who drowned at sea in 1817. Jane re-married to Murdoch McLeod.

A son of John Barlow was Richard Barlow (1816 - 1888) who was the town officer and town crier for Banff. An obituary for Richard in the Banffshire Journal dated 10 July 1888, provided the above information about his wider family.

Now I need to try and find out more information about Richard Barlow and Elspet Henderson (mentioned above). All I do know is that they were married in Aberdeen in 1785 and that Richard was a woolcomber. Any further information about them would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: James Barlow / Jean Cruickshank from Banff

Post by WilmaM » Thu Nov 09, 2023 11:38 am

I've been having a look through various resources , and can't find any more information on the family.
There are still Barlows in the Banffshire area at present.

I looked at the old graveyard in Banff [ST Mary's Kirkyard] but no sign of them buried there.
The https://www.anesfhs.org.uk/databanks/me ... ns/miindex search only gave 2 female Barlow's later in the 1800's.

As he was quite a prominent fellow, perhaps the Banff Museum would have further information on him: https://www.bphsmob.org.uk/
and information on his nephew Richard too.

Geoff Bates
Posts: 13
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2015 3:21 am

Re: James Barlow / Jean Cruickshank from Banff

Post by Geoff Bates » Fri Dec 01, 2023 7:01 am

Thanks Wilma, much appreciated. I have a copy of the St Mary's Kirkyard burial list, and I was also surprised that there was barely a Barlow in it. Perhaps they were part of a less popular religion, I'm not too sure. They may remain a bit of a mystery family..

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Re: James Barlow / Jean Cruickshank from Banff

Post by AndrewP » Fri Dec 01, 2023 11:28 am

Geoff Bates wrote:
Fri Dec 01, 2023 7:01 am
I have a copy of the St Mary's Kirkyard burial list, and I was also surprised that there was barely a Barlow in it.
Is the list you have of burials that took place, or of transcripts from headstones still standing? If it is transcripts from the headstones, it is possible that they were buried without headstones or maybe the headstones have not survived. Just some other possibilities to consider.

All the best,


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Re: James Barlow / Jean Cruickshank from Banff

Post by WilmaM » Fri Dec 01, 2023 12:02 pm

The book I have is of headstone transcriptions of the old kirk yard, the newer cemetery wasn't opened until 1862, so some of the family may be up there.
Unless there was a strong family connection with another burial place, I'd certainly expect to find them in St Mary's.