Alexander Forrester Farquharson birth

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Alexander Forrester Farquharson birth

Post by soosan » Mon Jul 06, 2020 4:29 am

Hi I am a new member here, so not quite sure what I'm doing. I can't find a birth record for my grt grt grandfather Alexander Forrester Farqharson. He was born 26th September 1836 at West Linton Peebleshire (d24.6.1906) but I can't find any record of his birth either on Ancestry or Scotland's People. Can anyone help point me in the right direction please? Many thanks in advance. Susan.

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Re: Alexander Forrester Farquharson birth

Post by SarahND » Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:47 am

Hello soosan and a warm [TS_welcome]

The parents’ marriage is there, right enough, on 1 April 1826 and father Andrew’s birth/baptism in 1806, but I don’t see the birth records for any of the children that one sees in the family on the censuses. Could it be that there is a gap in the existing West Linton records? Someone would need to have a closer look at the records in person at the ScotlandsPeople Centre when it reopens. Sorry I don't have better news!

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Re: Alexander Forrester Farquharson birth

Post by Rockford » Sat Nov 14, 2020 3:45 pm

Hello Susan,

Alexander's sister Mary was my 3 x great grandmother and I haven't been able to find a birth entry for either of them, or their siblings. As Sarah says, there may be a gap in the records.

One of the interesting things I did find was an obituary for their mother, Isabella Cairns, in the Peebleshire Advertiser on 7 July 1883. The transcription reads:

OBITUARY.- In our issue of last week we recorded the decease of one who, though occupying a humble position in life, deserves more, we presume, than a passing obituary notice. We refer to Isabella Cairns, relict of the late Andrew Farquharson of Lanelybield, who passed away at the advanced age of 80. From its close proximity to the scenery of Habbie’s Howe, her cottage was the steady resort of visitors from Edinburgh and Leith and many other parts of Scotland during the summer season, and her face and form has been familiar in the glen for more than thirty years. Doubtless many will read with regret of the decease of one who gave a hearty welcome to all, and whose shrewd remarks and quaint observations rendered their interviews very memorable. Her hospitality was in keeping with the general tenor of her character and life, genuine and without ostentation. A faithful and dutiful mother to a family of eight, four of whom had predeceased her more than a quarter of a century ago, Mrs Farquharson was a representative of a class whose unwearied perseverance in well-doing is often little known in the world. For several years back she had been in failing health, but the labour and sorrow so inseparable from the close of such a protracted pilgrimage were born with great patience and resignation, and an Saturday last a large and respectable company of mourners, along with a wide circle of relatives, accompanied her remains from Lanelybield to their resting-place beside the partner of her youth in the kirkyard of Linton.

Best wishes

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