Scotlands People

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Re: Scotlands People

Post by AndrewP » Mon Nov 21, 2016 10:11 am

Hi Trish,

Yes, both surnames appeared in the index, so there were two surname columns in the search results.

If the person had more than two surnames listed on their death certificate (such as someone who had married twice or more), then they appeared twice (or more) in the search results, had you sought only the one surname in your search criteria.

All the best,


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Re: Scotlands People

Post by trish1 » Mon Nov 21, 2016 12:43 pm

Thanks Andrew - I'll check out the issues being addressed and see if this gets a mention. I thought that was the case - but so easy to forget.

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Re: Scotlands People

Post by nelmit » Wed Nov 30, 2016 4:44 pm

jgmills wrote:I discovered a workaround for women' s deaths when the list is returned sort on the RDName, by clicking on RDName in the list header. Then you can scroll more quickly looking for duplicate RDName records, and check that the Ref is the same and that should give you the two names listed one after the other.

Certainly makes it easier when searching through ten pages of names!!! and will allow you to find the records until they sort their logic in the code.

Excellent John :D this makes things a bit easier till they get it sorted.

Hope you are well. Best wishes,