Falkirk District WWI Service Personnel

All matters military, militia, regiments and the like. Army, Navy, Air Force etc.

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Falkirk District WWI Service Personnel

Post by WilmaM » Sat Dec 23, 2023 1:02 pm

The Falkirk Local History Society have recently published The Falkirk District List of Service Personnel in WW1 on their website:

https://falkirklocalhistory.club/wars/t ... I4AD36v0D8

It comprises a spreadsheet with names, dates, rank, service number, addresses and as much information as the sources contained.

They have used a wide variety of sources, Newspapers, Gravestone, War Memorials and Rolls of Honour, local history books and websites.

Some individuals have several entries, presumably 1 from each source, but the amount of information gathered is extensive and having it all in one place will be a boon to researchers.