Some WW1 Resources

All matters military, militia, regiments and the like. Army, Navy, Air Force etc.

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Some WW1 Resources

Post by Pandabean » Mon Apr 02, 2007 5:35 pm

I thought I would post some links to good places to carry out WW1 research and even try and track down medals/deathpennys.

"The Long. Long Trail" is a website that can help people with reesearch into WW1
"The Long, Long Trail cuts through myth and misinformation to present the facts of the British Army in the First World War : a tribute to the men and women who fought and won - and to the million who died trying."

Great War Forum
The Number one forum for WW1 research anything from individual soldiers to units and batallions. The Great War Forum which is linked to "The Long, Long Trail" website listed above.

Another forum has a section where you can request medals that people may have or sell them if you have them to try and help reunite them with the respective families.

Death Plaques - Updated 9th Feb 2010
Also I found another site where you are able to list a "want" for deathpennys. These are small bronze plaques with the engraving of the soldiers name on it and they measure about 4 and a half inches in diameter.

EDIT: This site now charges people for listing information. May not be as useful as it once was, but some people may be interested.

Identifying Medals
A website dedicated to British medals. It is a brilliant resource for medal information.

Good Luck.
Last edited by Pandabean on Thu Apr 05, 2007 9:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
[b]Greenlees & Fairnie[/b] (Musselburgh area)
[b]Johnston, Whitson, Whitecross, Runciman [/b] (Haddingtonshire)
[b]Rutherford [/b](Dumbartonshire, Airth & Larbert)
[b]Ross, Stevenson & Robb[/b](Falkirk)[/size]

marilyn morning
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Post by marilyn morning » Thu Apr 05, 2007 1:40 am

Hi Andy,

Thanks for posting these helpful links. We've made it a Sticky, so now it will remain at the top of the Armed Forces Forum, for easy access.
