I was looking on RC late last night and came upon this link for Glasgow pubs...
http://www.oldglasgowpubs.co.uk/munns.html and lo and behold, I find a publican, Walter Munn...one of my branches from the Russell family.
Not only are there two photos of the pub but there is also a photo of the license holder, Walter Munn from 1944...I'm thrilled to bits!
...and the ghost of Mrs. Margaret Munn who seems upset about something???

I'm sure this will be my 1st cousin (4 x removed), Margaret Russell and I'm guessing that she's probably fretting over the fact that she's about to lose the pub (probably the last established the family had) yet again to modernization.

Any brave souls out there wanting to visit Munn's Pub in Maryhill and see if you can make contact with Margaret Munn...I've got loads of questions for her. I was so excited that I couldn't get to sleep last night thinking about all the questions I could ask her.

Anne H