Keeping it simple would have worked

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Lorna Allison
Posts: 390
Joined: Fri Jan 06, 2006 11:02 pm
Location: Perthshire

Keeping it simple would have worked

Post by Lorna Allison » Mon Jul 01, 2013 11:44 pm

On and off for 5 years I have tried to find out what Thomas Maxwell TAIT did after leaving school and before joining the 5th Cameron Highlanders in 1914. Census, PO Directories, Archives at the Highlanders Museum, Fort George (very pleasant and helpful) all to no avail. He was a Highlands and Islands bursary scholar and I searched for him all over the country.

Decided to give up and look up the whereabouts of his younger sister Janey in 1911 before drawing a line . There she was at home with Mum and father Thomas plus brother TOM following his father into Gamekeeping. And I do know about wildcards #-o

Clearly I'm not making great progress at this sleuthing game but it does give me hope regarding my remaining ](*,)


PAUL: Lanarkshire;
TORRANCE: Lanarkshire
CROSGROVE: Ayrshire, Glasgow
ALLISON: Glasgow
PRICE: Monmouthshire
CURZON: Staffs, Monmouthshire
TAIT, HUME, MIDDLEMAS,: Roxburghshire
PRINGLE: Glasgow, Central Belt, Edinburgh

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Re: Keeping it simple would have worked

Post by SarahND » Tue Jul 02, 2013 5:51 am

Glad you finally tracked him down, Lorna!
If only all our brick walls were that simple :)

All the best,