Found my GGG Grandfather Alexander Fraser in Dores

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Found my GGG Grandfather Alexander Fraser in Dores

Post by DFraser72 » Sat Jan 03, 2015 7:36 pm

The story is recited well over on the Statutory Records section under "Seeking Help for Dores in 1820s AND 30s".

I want to thank Sarah ND and Leslie B for their time, suggestion and expertise. I took their advice and went to the ScotlandsPeople archive retrieval site and finally found the most likely candidate for my G3 grandfather Alexander Fraser in Dores. I still cannot find a census record of my G2 Duncan Fraser with Alexander and his mom, whom I now believe is one Janet McIntosh, but maybe that is not too strange. I imagine he could easily have been off on some farm chore related activity, like tending the sheep or cattle in a high pasture. The censuses were conducted in the summer after all, right? If this is the right family Duncan would have been 13 or 14 years old and I imagine they would have been working his young butt off. Or he could have been away a some school or such. All just imagination of course. But the few references to my G3 Alexander Fraser, on 2 of Duncan's wedding Banns list Alexander as a Farmer or a Laborer. That would agree with the wedding notice I found for Alexander and Janet, and the baptism notice for Duncan. I think it likely Alexander and Janet were 20 and 15 when married IN 1826. I found A 1841 census in Dores listing them together and being 35 and 30 years old (but no Duncan included). I am also willing to bet one of the baptism witnesses was Janet's father, uncle or brother Andrew McIntosh. There are McIntoshes in the Dores census roles for 1841 too. More looking to do for sure

So don't give up. Keep searching the records.

Now I just need to find birth or baptismal for Alexander Fraser, servant of Torbrek farm and maybe I will find his parents too. Now I am planning a visit for Mid July 2015 to walk the hallowed ground of the Dores - Torbreck Trail and maybe find more. \:D/

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Re: Found my GGG Grandfather Alexander Fraser in Dores

Post by SarahND » Sat Jan 03, 2015 8:54 pm

=D> =D> Great news and congratulations! It gives us all hope for our long-standing brick walls



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Re: Found my GGG Grandfather Alexander Fraser in Dores

Post by AndrewP » Sat Jan 03, 2015 9:41 pm

DFraser72 wrote:The censuses were conducted in the summer after all, right?
See the following TalkingScot webpage for the dates of the censuses: All the best,


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Re: Found my GGG Grandfather Alexander Fraser in Dores

Post by DFraser72 » Sat Jan 03, 2015 11:49 pm

Thank you Andrew. I need to explore this wonderful site further.

My complements to all you who make this one of the most respected and referenced genealogical sites available.

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Re: Found my GGG Grandfather Alexander Fraser in Dores

Post by Orlaith17 » Fri Jan 30, 2015 12:16 am

Hello DFraser72. This thread just caught my eye as I spotted "Dores", so had a look. I live in the Scottish Highlands, and am not too far from Dores. What caught my attention in your post was that you are seeking information on Frasers from the area. I remember strolling around Foyers cemetery a while back, and noticing that a lot of the stones had the name "Fraser". I commented at the time there must have been a LOT of Frasers in the area. I think the cemetery at Foyers would also have served Dores. If you have any birth or death dates of your ancestors in that area, I would be happy to go visit the cemetery with a camera and look for headstones to take pics for you.