I've told people around me and they don't understand the excitement of being able to go back another generation, so I'm writing it here. It might be small fry for some of you but I've just discovered the name of my 6th great grandfather was Peter Paterson, father of Agnes who was born around 1750

I found this through a smart match on Ancestry.com, but there was no source for the name, so I had another look at the official records. I had Agnes marrying John McCouat in New Kilpatrick Dunbarton but there was another entry for Renfrewshire for Agnes Paterson and John McQuat and on that record the record keeper named Agnes' father and his occupation (farmer). Now if I can only find out who Peter Paterson's wife is. Other researchers have her as Helen Rowand but I can't find how they reached that conclusion!
Anyway, it was exciting and just goes to show how important it is to take another look at the records once in a while.