Ernest Russell Lyon ( 1923-1944)

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Montrose Budie
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Re: Ernest Russell Lyon ( 1923-1944)

Post by Montrose Budie » Fri Apr 09, 2010 5:47 pm

Hi Puffin

Any update ?


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Re: Ernest Russell Lyon ( 1923-1944)

Post by garibaldired » Fri Apr 09, 2010 6:30 pm

Hi Puffin,

In our local newspaper this week was the story of a WW1 soldier whose identity was confirmed by DNA testing. In fact the Australian army supplied this kit to the great nephew so that it was possible to confirm that he had been amongst those buried together in a pit in France after the battle of Fromelles.

Probably not relevant to your story but I just thought it was interesting.

Best wishes,
Main family lines are Harpers from Midlothian, Fife & Kinross-shire, and Dobies/Dobbies from Midlothian. Also Strathearn, Stobie, Layden and Downie.

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Re: Ernest Russell Lyon ( 1923-1944)

Post by puffin » Fri Mar 04, 2011 9:29 pm

After a period of quiet this is just to report that there is now a Wikipedia entry for F/O Russell Lyon, which can be seen at:

Over the next few weeks some images will be added into this, time and IT skills permitting.

Our efforts to achieve official recognition of the grave at Guidel continue, and we are just having to be extremely patient with this subject, which involves some very sensitive issues.


Andy Saunders
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Re: Ernest Russell Lyon ( 1923-1944)

Post by Andy Saunders » Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:34 am

I have followed this story with great interest and have had some considerable experience/involvement in the cases of missing RAF (and Luftwaffe) aircrew spanning some thirty years. My two books -(**) tell the stories of some of those.

Whilst I would love to help in this case, I am not sure that I really can. However, I would very much like to include the story of Russell in my follow-up book (**) which is due for publication this autumn.

As an aside, we have just heard there has been a succesful outcome to a case I have been involved in since 2007 near Neuvilly, France, where the MOD have just accepted the identification of a casualty previously buried as "unknown" with the CWGC being instructed to replace the headstone. So, there is always hope!

One suggestion; why not press for the headstone to be inscribed "Believed to Be". There are plenty of precedents for this on CWGC stones, with the criteria being that identification is likely but not absolute.

I would be pleased to hear from you - and would love to be able to use some of your images in (**)

Andy Saunders

(**) edited in keeping with TS Guidelines viewtopic.php?f=14&t=2222)

Andy Saunders
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Re: Ernest Russell Lyon ( 1923-1944)

Post by Andy Saunders » Fri Jun 24, 2011 4:02 pm

Oh dear!

As a new kid on the block I wasn't aware of the rules. My fault.

There was no intention to blatantly advertise, and I apologise unreservedly. I was just attempting to set out my 'credentials' and involvement in similar cases and the related books I have written and am currently writing.


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Re: Ernest Russell Lyon ( 1923-1944)

Post by paddyscar » Fri Jun 24, 2011 4:33 pm

Hi Andy!

Apologies are not necessary and your understanding is appreciated! We are just trying to be fair to all by applying the rules equitably.

Members may still contact you through PM, should this be of interest to them.

We'd be happy to see you join in the beach party viewforum.php?f=102
John Kelly (b 22 Sep 1897) eldest child of John Kelly & Christina Lipsett Kelly of Glasgow

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Re: Ernest Russell Lyon ( 1923-1944)

Post by puffin » Tue Aug 12, 2014 12:28 pm

After many months/years have elapsed since I last posted news on this topic quietly, and in the background, I have been making progress towards achieving recognition of Russell's grave at Guidel. Many hurdles were in our path, but at long last we now have a decision. Over this time I remained quiet on the subject not wishing to cause any issue which might frustrate the objective.

Yesterday I received a letter of confirmation from the MoD that recognition will be given. I hade previously heard this good news by a telephone call on 23rd July, just a few days before the 70th anniversary of the shooting down of Russell's Spitfire.

The MoD letter confirms that ......" it has been decided that the existing headstone on Grave 33 should be replaced with a memorial to your uncle stating that he is "Buried near this Spot".

The MoD letter goes on to say that at the request of the family a grave/headstone dedication will be arranged to take place in the family's presence.....and it is unlikely it could be arranged before summer 2015.

So I am very pleased to share this good news with the talkingscot disapora and who played a part in the early part of the story and enabling the french researchers to be able to make contact with me.


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Re: Ernest Russell Lyon ( 1923-1944)

Post by LesleyB » Tue Aug 12, 2014 12:46 pm

You must be very pleased to have reached this result after all the hard work and the time you have dedicated towards achieving this goal, Puffin - well done!

Best wishes

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Re: Ernest Russell Lyon ( 1923-1944)

Post by Russell » Tue Aug 12, 2014 1:37 pm

Tremendous result Puffin. It has been a long, up-hill struggle which may reassure others who have followed your saga. The wheels of bureaucracy may grind slowly but you have overcome every obstacle they put in your path. What a sense of closure and completion you must be experiencing. =D> =D> =D>
Thank you for keeping us in mind.
Working on: Oman, Brock, Miller/Millar, in Caithness.
Roan/Rowan, Hastings, Sharp, Lapraik in Ayr & Kirkcudbrightshire.
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Re: Ernest Russell Lyon ( 1923-1944)

Post by paddyscar » Tue Aug 12, 2014 2:26 pm

Congratulations! Wonderful news, Puffin! It's heart-warming that you have accomplished such recognition for F/O Russell Lyon after such a long, continuous effort.

That Russell's sacrifice is to be finally recognized with a proper marker after all this time as a result of your efforts is tremendous and you have re-written history.

It's been exciting for us to follow your efforts on Russell's behalf and having goose-bumps myself, I can hardly imagine how you are feeling.

For those new to the forum who may wish to catch-up on Puffin's efforts, you'll find it interesting and are able to access the entire thread by clicking on Go to Page 1 at the lower right hand corner of this page.

John Kelly (b 22 Sep 1897) eldest child of John Kelly & Christina Lipsett Kelly of Glasgow