Oh dear, my talkingscot Puffin cover is blown...... I will have to think about adopting a new identity for the next cause to fight.
This was also last week in The Scotsman and the Edinburgh Evening News, and in the Times Scottish edition, following an exclusive in the Sunday Telegraph written by John Shute appearing on 23rd Nov. at
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/history/worl ... bered.html
For the Britain at War Magazine article Andy Saunders, the Editor, asked me to write a feature article, which he then knocked around a bit as editors do and then that is what you see. Of all the coverage in the last two weeks the Sunday Telegraph online version and the Britain at War Article encapsulate the story best.
When the good news was given to me by the MoD in August this year I shared this with my two brothers.......my older brother telephoned me and said this was excellent....... and after this near decade long campaign, "what was I now going to do with the rest of my life?"