My gggrandfather, John Hunter of Falkirk, drowned when this ship floundered in the North Sea. Does anybody know where I can find out more information about this ship?
SS Therese sank December 1867
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Re: SS Therese sank December 1867
Hello Val,
Here are some newspaper reports. I can’t easily find anything in the Scottish newspapers. It sounds like there could be some more in the Falkirk Herald, it’s not online, but I believe the Falkirk Library has it on microfilm. ... hives.aspx
The Leeds Mercury, Monday, December 16, 1867
SUPPOSED LOSS OF A GRANGEMOUTH STEAMER AND FIFTEEN MEN.—With reference to the supposed loss of the Grangemouth steamer, Therese, the Falkirk Herald says:—“During the last few days the port of Grangemouth has been thrown into a state of great excitement in consequence of the non-arrival of the steamship Therese at Rotterdam. She left Grangemouth on Sunday week, with the morning tide, and, if she had gone on her ordinary course, should have reached her destination on Tuesday morning at latest. The Carron Company’s Greata, which trades between Grangemouth and London, departed the same morning, and, we believe, when out at sea, sailed alongside of the Terese for a considerable time during Sunday. The Greata is said to have encountered very rough handling on her voyage, but, fortunately, she has delivered her cargo and returned, and is at present lying at Grangemouth. One of the Leith steamers, we understand, saw the Therese the same afternoon running before the gale between St. Abb’s Head and the Fern Islands, but since then no intelligence has been received regarding her. Hopes were entertained a few days ago that in fighting against the tempest she had been driven out to sea, or that some of her machinery had been disabled; but now that fully ten days have elapsed since she was seen, there remains little doubt but that the ill-fated vessel has foundered during the storm. She is a Glasgow vessel, but has been a regular trader between Grangemouth and Rotterdam for many years. She was a splendidly built ship, and was registered at 199 tons. When she left Grangemouth on the morning in question she was loaded with a general cargo, and had fifteen of a crew, but no passengers on board.
The Newcastle Courant etc, Friday, December 20, 1867
THE MISSING STEAMERS.—Hope is now all but abandoned of finding even a trace of the Vienna, or Ivanhoe, of Leith, or of the Therese of Grangemouth. …………………………………. The Therese was last seen on Sunday, the 1st day of December, by the Greta, of Grangemouth, the two vessels having left the Frith of Forth together, and also sailed alongside each other for some distance at sea. The Therese belonged to Glasgow, but regularly traded between Grangemouth and Rotterdam. She was regarded as a very fine ship of her class, and made very swift passages. When she left Grangemouth she carried a general cargo, but no passengers. She was commanded by Capt. Robert Fleming, and had a crew of 15. Of these 12 were married, and should she have foundered, as is believed, 12 widows and about 60 children will be bereaved.
Here’s some info from “THE MERCANTILE NAVY LIST AND MARITIME DIRECTORY FOR 1867” Page 377. ... J&pg=PA377
Official Number 17669; Therese, Glasgow; 200 Registered Tons; 60HP; Owned by John Tennant, St. Rollox, Glasgow.
Hope that helps,
Here are some newspaper reports. I can’t easily find anything in the Scottish newspapers. It sounds like there could be some more in the Falkirk Herald, it’s not online, but I believe the Falkirk Library has it on microfilm. ... hives.aspx
The Leeds Mercury, Monday, December 16, 1867
SUPPOSED LOSS OF A GRANGEMOUTH STEAMER AND FIFTEEN MEN.—With reference to the supposed loss of the Grangemouth steamer, Therese, the Falkirk Herald says:—“During the last few days the port of Grangemouth has been thrown into a state of great excitement in consequence of the non-arrival of the steamship Therese at Rotterdam. She left Grangemouth on Sunday week, with the morning tide, and, if she had gone on her ordinary course, should have reached her destination on Tuesday morning at latest. The Carron Company’s Greata, which trades between Grangemouth and London, departed the same morning, and, we believe, when out at sea, sailed alongside of the Terese for a considerable time during Sunday. The Greata is said to have encountered very rough handling on her voyage, but, fortunately, she has delivered her cargo and returned, and is at present lying at Grangemouth. One of the Leith steamers, we understand, saw the Therese the same afternoon running before the gale between St. Abb’s Head and the Fern Islands, but since then no intelligence has been received regarding her. Hopes were entertained a few days ago that in fighting against the tempest she had been driven out to sea, or that some of her machinery had been disabled; but now that fully ten days have elapsed since she was seen, there remains little doubt but that the ill-fated vessel has foundered during the storm. She is a Glasgow vessel, but has been a regular trader between Grangemouth and Rotterdam for many years. She was a splendidly built ship, and was registered at 199 tons. When she left Grangemouth on the morning in question she was loaded with a general cargo, and had fifteen of a crew, but no passengers on board.
The Newcastle Courant etc, Friday, December 20, 1867
THE MISSING STEAMERS.—Hope is now all but abandoned of finding even a trace of the Vienna, or Ivanhoe, of Leith, or of the Therese of Grangemouth. …………………………………. The Therese was last seen on Sunday, the 1st day of December, by the Greta, of Grangemouth, the two vessels having left the Frith of Forth together, and also sailed alongside each other for some distance at sea. The Therese belonged to Glasgow, but regularly traded between Grangemouth and Rotterdam. She was regarded as a very fine ship of her class, and made very swift passages. When she left Grangemouth she carried a general cargo, but no passengers. She was commanded by Capt. Robert Fleming, and had a crew of 15. Of these 12 were married, and should she have foundered, as is believed, 12 widows and about 60 children will be bereaved.
Here’s some info from “THE MERCANTILE NAVY LIST AND MARITIME DIRECTORY FOR 1867” Page 377. ... J&pg=PA377
Official Number 17669; Therese, Glasgow; 200 Registered Tons; 60HP; Owned by John Tennant, St. Rollox, Glasgow.
Hope that helps,
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:42 pm
Re: SS Therese sank December 1867
Hello Val,
My Gt Grandfather was the Captain of that ship, Robert Fleming. He left a new wife, stepmother of 16 months to his five children. Stepmother Mary (Muir) Fleming later married James Hunter a carpenter of Grangemouth in1872, any relation to your John? I have a poem taken from a local newspaper about the loss of the 'Therese'. It is over sentimental. If you are still in contact, would you like a copy? I can't scan it but would be happy to type it out.
Best of luck,
My Gt Grandfather was the Captain of that ship, Robert Fleming. He left a new wife, stepmother of 16 months to his five children. Stepmother Mary (Muir) Fleming later married James Hunter a carpenter of Grangemouth in1872, any relation to your John? I have a poem taken from a local newspaper about the loss of the 'Therese'. It is over sentimental. If you are still in contact, would you like a copy? I can't scan it but would be happy to type it out.
Best of luck,
- Posts: 3924
- Joined: Fri Jun 22, 2007 3:20 am
- Location: Australia
Re: SS Therese sank December 1867
Hello Jean, and Welcome to TalkingScot.
It seems to have been over twelve months since Val last visited the forum. She may receive notification of your posting. If you wish to contact her you could try sending a Personal Message. You’ll see a PM button in the area of her posting when you are logged on.
The Falkirk Herald is now online at The British Newspaper Archive. They have a free credit offer running at the moment, (see their home page) which, with care, should just about cover the main Therese articles. ... k%20herald
All the best,
It seems to have been over twelve months since Val last visited the forum. She may receive notification of your posting. If you wish to contact her you could try sending a Personal Message. You’ll see a PM button in the area of her posting when you are logged on.
The Falkirk Herald is now online at The British Newspaper Archive. They have a free credit offer running at the moment, (see their home page) which, with care, should just about cover the main Therese articles. ... k%20herald
All the best,
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Mon Jun 11, 2018 6:06 am
Re: SS Therese sank December 1867
I started my family tree research last night. John Hunter of Falkirk was also my Great Great Grandfather. I'm disappointed to see that Val hasn't been in this forum for such a long time, I would like to have compared our family trees. Grateful to Alan for posting the story of the loss of Therese and the link to the Falkirk Herald. Interesting to read about the organisation of a charity concert for the families of the victims. If I can establish a connection between James Hunter, carpenter, and John Hunter, I will post it here for Jean. I'm a complete novice but was surprised how quickly I could trace the generations. I'm running into problems getting further back than John Hunter. His death certificate (drowning) lists his parents as James Hunter (deceased) and Mary Hunter but I haven't been able to trace any details of these ancestors.