Deaths of sailors
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Deaths of sailors
Hoping someone can help me understand this. I was searching for a death of great aunt's husband and found his name in Scotland's People deaths, but it wasn't an individual death record. It looked like a list of naval deaths, all listed from 1914 -1918. They were serving on different ships, and all were born in Scotland. I have it saved in pdf format but no idea how to upload it here. It gives cause of death for each man as either 1, 2 or 3. The widows/next of kin's names were listed. Anyone any ideas?
- Posts: 1893
- Joined: Fri Dec 17, 2004 10:46 am
- Location: Falkirk area
Re: Deaths of sailors
Look at : ... ?r=554&404
The minor records, marine deaths section. ... .aspx?1317
Basically, cause 1 is war , cause 2 is acident, 3 illness and 4 suicide, murder or other.
Sorry I can't figure out cutting and pasting on this tablet
I keep forgetting there is so much more information on SP than just the records themselves!
The minor records, marine deaths section. ... .aspx?1317
Basically, cause 1 is war , cause 2 is acident, 3 illness and 4 suicide, murder or other.
Sorry I can't figure out cutting and pasting on this tablet

I keep forgetting there is so much more information on SP than just the records themselves!
- Posts: 196
- Joined: Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:50 pm
- Location: Highlands
Re: Deaths of sailors
That's great, thank you. I didn't realise those minor records were in Scotland's people either. I have an uncle who died at Dunkirk in WW2 , and never found a death record for him in Scotland's People either. I've managed to find more information in Ancestry about the seaman relative, and where his memorial is. The ship he was on was torpedoed by a submarine and went down very quickly. Whatever did we do before the internet? 

- Posts: 1893
- Joined: Fri Dec 17, 2004 10:46 am
- Location: Falkirk area
Re: Deaths of sailors
I'm on a 'real' computer so for sake of completeness here's the relevant sections:
Marine Register (from 1855) includes deaths on British-registered merchant vessels at sea, where it appears that the deceased was usually resident in Scotland and deaths at sea of Royal Navy and Royal Marine personnel during wartime, including Royal Naval Reserve, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve and RNLI. Cause of death for RN personnel was recorded in the register as a number (1, 2, 3 or 4).
Code 1
Killed in action.
Died of wounds or disease following wounds.
Missing after action and subsequently presumed killed in action.
Killed, Died of wounds or exposure, Died of disease following wounds or exposure, Drowned, Missing and subsequently presumed killed or drowned following loss of ship in action, by mine or torpedo.
Code 2
Killed, Died of injuries or exposure, Died of disease following injuries or exposure, Drowned, Missing and subsequently presumed killed or drowned following the accidental loss of a ship (wreck, collision, internal explosion, etc.) or where actual cause of a vessels loss is not known.
Accidental deaths (killed, drowned, etc).
Deaths due to injuries or disease following injuries accidentally sustained.
Code 3
Deaths from disease.
Code 4
Deaths due to Suicide, Murder, Alcoholism, Heat Stroke.
Deaths under Anaesthetic.
Any cases which cannot be classified under disease or accident.