The family story is that my ancestor John Lando escaped from Genoa as a young man because there was some sort of vendetta against the family. A member of his family was a crew member on a ship that John escaped on to Scotland. The crew members were most probably a Giovanni Battista Lando and Angelo Marengo. John Lando was in Scotland aged 15 a British Subject on the 1851 Census in Biggar.
John Lando probably left Genoa because of the Italian War period named the Sack of Genoa. It happened between 5 April and 11 April 1849 when soldiers resorted to the pettiest actions against civilians, raping women and killing fathers and brothers who opposed the massacre, firing at the windows to the people surrounding and running through the streets.
I obtained this link for the Sack of Genoa which makes interesting reading but does not help me.
Why was John escaping as a stowaway when there was British Ships in the harbour, I wonder what crime had he committed or was it because was British?
Angelo Marengo was born in Malta in 1810 and was a captain in the British Merchant Service. On his service record he was Master of the Pastenope between 1847- 48 and Master of the Regente between 1850 - 60. Where was he in 1849?
Giovanni Battista Lando (his mother’s maiden name was Marengo) was born in Moneglia, Italy in 1831. On his service record there is no information for the period 1846-1853 was he in hiding?
Are there any records to the whereabouts may be in the UK of Angelo and Giovanni around 1849-51.
Maggie Lando Hill
Still Looking for John's Italian Roots
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