Whole family in poorhouse!

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Whole family in poorhouse!

Post by ninatoo » Wed Apr 03, 2013 9:40 am

Hi all,

I have found a whole family in the Govan poorhouse in the 1881 census, and the father eventually dies there in 1886. I am very curious to know what brought them to all be there.

The family was headed by George Seigerson, born about 1831 in Ireland, a bricklayer's labourer before he became a pauper, his wife Mary Crighton, b. about 1833 in Ireland, and their children, Catherine, Annie, Grace and William. After George died, Mary was able to leave the poorhouse with the girls but put William in a Catholic boys orphanage. Times must have been tough, I know, but I would like to know what the story was here, and would really appreciate someone having a look (when the weather clears!)

Researching: Easton ( Renfrewshire, Dunbarton and Glasgow), Corr (Londonderry and Glasgow), Carson (Co. Down, Irvine, Ayrshire and Glasgow), Logan (Londonderry and Glasgow)

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Re: Whole family in poorhouse!

Post by yogihughes » Fri Dec 06, 2013 4:22 pm

Hi ninatoo, found myself with a little time to spare today and went up to the Mitchell and found info on the Seigersons/Siegersons and Crighton/Crichton. Maybe because I have been away from the books for a while that I found them very difficult to read but I managed to write down some info. I will sort out my paperwork and try and type some info for you over the week-end.

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Re: Whole family in poorhouse!

Post by ninatoo » Sat Dec 07, 2013 9:30 am

Thanks so much Yogihughes, I look forward to reading about them!
Researching: Easton ( Renfrewshire, Dunbarton and Glasgow), Corr (Londonderry and Glasgow), Carson (Co. Down, Irvine, Ayrshire and Glasgow), Logan (Londonderry and Glasgow)

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Re: Whole family in poorhouse!

Post by yogihughes » Sat Dec 07, 2013 11:26 am

Some info on Siegerson/Crichton.

Poor Law Reference (D-HEW 15/2/10 3062)
Name:- Widow George Siegerson. Mary Crichton
Residence:- 41 James St. Calton Back up L Rent:- Galloways No. 3304
Date of application 4 1/4 21 April 1890 Date of visit:- 22 April 1890
Country and place of birth:- Ireland
Age:- 56 Condition:- Widow Occupation:- Cleaner Religion:- RC
Parentage:- James Crichton Labourer and Elizabeth Reilly both dead.
Late Husband George Siegerson born in Ireland died 7 years ago.

Statement 22/4/90 Found a Mrs Galloway at said address but 2 stairs up. Mrs? (in childbed)? who stated that she had no lodgers but that a Mrs Siegerson lived next door to her with her 3 grown up daughters. Front door locked.

Decision of committee:- 1890 April 25 Not Found.

All the information is as I found it in the book ie spellings and lay-out.
The only difference is the question marks. Those 2 bits of info were very difficult to read but with the aid of 2 of the archivists in the library that info is the best we could come up with.

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Re: Whole family in poorhouse!

Post by yogihughes » Sat Dec 07, 2013 12:21 pm

Info on Siegerson.

Poor Law Reference (D-HEW 16/13/15 2166)
Application for relief:- Illness
Name:- William Siegerson
Residence:- 10 E Russell St. 1 up R? Rent:- 14/2 No. of apts:- 2
Date of application:- 1245 6/10/05 Date of visit 7th @ 6pm
Place of birth:- Binnies Court, Argyle St. Anderston. (by Parents record)
Age:- 29 Condition:- Married Occ:- Bootmaker Religion:- RC
If married:- 5years
When, where, by whom:- St. Euphemus RC Chapel by Father Conway
Whole or partially disabled:- Wholly Disablement as certified:- Severe Sciatica D Mather
Wholly or partially Destitute:- Partially
Parentage:- George Siegerson Labourer Dead and mary Crichton in 4 Main St. aged 70
Name, Age, Birthplace and Parentage of Wife:- Mary Carden? 26years
Born:- Ireland? daughter of Thomas Carden? a silvermaker in Charlotte? St. (35) and Catherine Berwick are there.
Father aged 70 employed with Walls, Gallowgate wages only about 15/- weekly - has an ulcerated leg
Name, Age, Birthplace of children:-
???????? 2 1/2 Bo. 10 E Russell St. 23/2/03
??????? 3/12 " " 15/7/05

How was applicant previously supported:- Own efforts
No. of previous applications:- First
How disposed of:- 9/10/05 Duke St. Hospital


Applies for admission to Duke St. Hospital, confined to bed at present but he does not wish the van sent for him as he will go in on monday forenoon himself, his wife to call here for admission order. is in no sick benefit society. House pretty decent. He has been idle since 15th April Last wrought in Scotia Shipbuilding Works. His workers subscribed and gave him £5 after he went off ill.

Particulars of statement:-
Years Months
Present House Glasgow 5 6

Wife applies for outdoor relief, she goes with fish through the week @ on Saturday goes with fruit. can make about 10/- weekly, is only on commission. She pays 5/- weekly for her children be kept.

Decision of Committee

Date:- 12th Oct 05 Hospital @ wife not present
Wife 5/- 4weeks (initialled by chairman but indecipherable)

Another document is attached which is for Dr Mather to sign from:-
Parish of Glasgow, Relief Department, 73 John St. City.
1245 6 10 05
Name William Siegerson @ wife @ 2 children
Signed Dr Mather
4.45pm 6/10/05
Severe Sciatica Right Side
To hospital For operation if thought n fit cause.

As before I have tried to reproduce faithfully the info on the documents as written therein.
I am very sorry but I was unable to even guess at the childrens names except that they looked like Maryanne and Maureen but maybe that is just wishful thinking on my part maybe you know them already from SP certs.

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Re: Whole family in poorhouse!

Post by yogihughes » Sat Dec 07, 2013 12:29 pm

I was running out of time on Friday at the Mitchell so did not get to finish transcribing info on Catherine Siegerson but will go back sometime to try and complete info on her. Poor Law Reference (D-HEW 16/13/654 98082)
Did manage to find out that she was married to James Mitchell and they resided at 23 St. Andrew's square.
Date of application was 1.45 pm 12/2/25 and her place of birth was 125 Saltmarket.
Catherine deserted by husband.
ninatoo, do you wish me to continue with this one before your other look-up request.

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Re: Whole family in poorhouse!

Post by ninatoo » Sun Dec 08, 2013 4:28 am

This is fantastic yogihughes! Thanks so much! It seems there were multiple reasons for them being in the poorhouse, so at least I have had that question answered. That is more than enough yogihughes...again, thank you!!!
Researching: Easton ( Renfrewshire, Dunbarton and Glasgow), Corr (Londonderry and Glasgow), Carson (Co. Down, Irvine, Ayrshire and Glasgow), Logan (Londonderry and Glasgow)

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Re: Whole family in poorhouse!

Post by Striker11 » Mon Sep 17, 2018 11:11 am

I think Catherine Berwick is Catherine Derrig (Wife of Thomas Carden)

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Re: Whole family in poorhouse!

Post by ninatoo » Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:58 am

Hi Striker11,

Nice to have a new member!


I found a marriage certificate for their daughter Mary Carden and it says that the surname is actually Derrick, very clearly written. Of course that information is as only as good as the informant and the registrar, but I thought it worth mentioning.

Researching: Easton ( Renfrewshire, Dunbarton and Glasgow), Corr (Londonderry and Glasgow), Carson (Co. Down, Irvine, Ayrshire and Glasgow), Logan (Londonderry and Glasgow)

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Re: Whole family in poorhouse!

Post by Striker11 » Tue Jan 15, 2019 7:44 pm

That’s correct re the inscriber/registrar writing what they heard. At that time many people couldn’t read and write so weren’t really in a position to correct the spelling. Going back to the Irish records the name is Derrig but there are a few incidences in Scotland where Derrick has been written. Anyway the poor family as many others must have went through a real hard time, despite that it’s been noted the house was decent, so looks like they were very unfortunate with the husband being ill. We’re so lucky not to have lived during that period and before