New Prison records on SP - Edinburgh & Largs added

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New Prison records on SP - Edinburgh & Largs added

Post by WilmaM » Fri May 12, 2023 6:58 pm

Scotlands People has expanded the collection of Prison Records on the site.

Perth was the first to feature with records covering 1867 - 1921
now we have :
Edinburgh Bridewell 1789 - 1840
Edinburgh Calton- 1841 - 1851
Largs Prison - 1843 - 1853

See: ... -registers
for more detailed information.

So we may be able to disprove the 'abducted by aliens' [alien] theory for some of our missing folks!

I have found checking the Scottish Indexes : site useful in tracing a missing member. She was an inmate of Perth Prison/Asylum.