Can some-one please translate ?

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Anne H
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Post by Anne H » Tue Aug 07, 2007 4:53 am

Well, if anyone wants to calculate it...out of the 81 pages from previous searches, I've actually viewed 71 pages of images. Close to half of those images, I'm embarrassed to add, are the wrong ones :oops: (I know that because I reprinted all my viewed images a while ago when I was attempting to reorganize everything and that alone cost a wee bundle in ink, but, in my defense, I viewed a lot when I was new to SP and didn't know what I was doing, and I've no will power and can't resist "just checking". Add to that a deluxe sub to Ancestry and others, MI books, searches by others here and there, etc., etc. I don't think I want to know how much I've spent :shock:

Och well :!: This is my passion and as long as I have my cigarettes, tea and family history to research, I'm quite happy to spend the money I don't really have :lol:

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Can some-one please translate ?

Post by trish58 » Tue Aug 07, 2007 6:12 am

Great Guys :lol:

You have made me feel a whole lot better, I also have subcription to Ancestry, and yes the cost are huge doing the family research.

When I first started I did not know that my family had changed their name from "RAW" to RAE, I spent a lot of time and money just searching RAE.
The wonderful people on TS found my family of Raw's I remain forever thankfull.
When I retired I cut my credit cards in half, now I can only use my debit card, so saving heaps.

Thanks again to the wonderfull folks at TS.

Tricia [alien]

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Post by LesleyB » Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:04 am

Hi Tricia
...and yes the cost are huge doing the family research.
Och, who wants a villa in France anyway??? 8)

Best wishes

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Post by DavidWW » Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:15 pm

Oanbuddy who comes into this "game" expecting to get the absolute optimum in terms of search engines and available indexes for the absolutely optimum cost is, I'm afraid, living in a dream world.

GROS, intially with ScotsOrigins, and latterly with ScotlandonLine (i.e. ScotlandsPeople) went down a certain route ........ seen as the best/optimum at the time.

One can agree or disagree with the decisions taken, but those decisions are the reality.

Incidentally, the format of the on-line BMD indexes was "fixed" in 1854, with major alterations only in 1929 and 1974 :!: :!: To re-do the earlier indexes in line with the post-1928 and post-1974 indexes is a truly massive task, although the UserGroup have suggested on several occasions that GROS might lke to consider the use of volunteers.......

In addition, it's not generally realised that it is a complicated, time-consuming, legislative task for GROS to change any detail of the costs, access time, etc., in relation to ScotlandsPeople.

Don't blame GROS, - go talk to the Scottish Executive in relation to the powers delegated to GROS :!:

Of course SP could be "better", but just what is "better", - very often, I'd argue, a matter of opinion.

Since the original launch of ScotsOrigins, there have been many major improvements in the on-line access to Scottish records; and it truly pains me to see proper lack of recognition of such improvements.

And there's more to come; go read the latest ScotlandsPeople UserGroup minutes at ... utes13.pdf.

Had GROS initiated their census indexes as recently as those of Ancestry, then I'm sure that the resulting indexes would have been as good as those on Ancestry, - but they didn't, - they were there some years previously, in which succeeding period the technology involved has greatly improved, and indexing and digitisiation costs have decreased ........

Yes, I and other UserGroup members are very open to arguments that other sytems in relation to the cost of access should perhaps be given priority, but the UG has no power to instruct GROS, only to persuade, and it's quite interesting how such an initial suggestion can often eventually lead to the originally suggested improvement; witness the pending release of the "modern indexes" on-line.

Please note that I am no apologist for GROS, as they are well aware, witness the minutes of the UG meetings; and many unpublished, private emails :!: :shock:


Very recently arrived in Dalry following our house move, like 8 hours ago, so no longer an honest Man, but now a "Chinaman" [5 cups] [5 cups] dww

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Post by Cathy » Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:57 pm

175 pages. I'm not even gonna look at the viewed and duds.

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Post by emanday » Tue Aug 07, 2007 8:15 pm

Cathy wrote:175 pages. I'm not even gonna look at the viewed and duds.
:shock: I wouldn't either if I was you, well not without a stiff [5 cups] or three :shock:
A cat leaves pawprints on your heart
McDonald or MacDonald (some couldn't make up their mind!), Bonner, Crichton, McKillop, Campbell, Cameron, Gitrig (+other spellings), Clark, Sloan, Stewart, McCutcheon, Ireland (the surname)

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Can some-one please translate ?

Post by trish58 » Wed Aug 08, 2007 12:27 am

Hi Everyone

I seem to have opened a can of worms here re-costs, this was never my intention, it was a "comment" :!: on what I had spent on my research, not a COMPLAINT.

I am sorry if anyone is upset by this.

Best wishes

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Post by emanday » Wed Aug 08, 2007 12:50 am

I don't think anyone is upset, Trish.

Well - excluding my Credit Card company who are going to see a noticeable drop in my usage from now on. Whisper - Well, for a wee while anyway :shock:
A cat leaves pawprints on your heart
McDonald or MacDonald (some couldn't make up their mind!), Bonner, Crichton, McKillop, Campbell, Cameron, Gitrig (+other spellings), Clark, Sloan, Stewart, McCutcheon, Ireland (the surname)

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Post by DorothyCoe » Wed Aug 08, 2007 1:00 am

It actually made me feel better to realise what others were spending on SP, and to hear that getting duds is an occupational hazard. I've only been researching since the start of the school holidays, since we weren't going away anywhere this year, and I've spent £100 or so in just that time. I've got better at using the search thingy to narrow down some possibilities and open up others, but still it's so much of a gamble isn't it, and getting duds is more or less inevitable I think.

In fact, it's made me realise what it must be like to be hooked on gambling! The excitement I feel as that little bar loads up for each search is huge! But the rate at which the credits go down is shocking. As I get near the end of each 30 I find I have to make more and more careful calculations about what's a likely looking bet and what's an outside chance, how many searches I'm going to do so that I've enough left for a record if I need it...each search gets more exciting...

I understand that there is a cost involved in maintaining these records, but I am firmly of the opinion that they are public records and as such should be maintained by the Scot Exec through our taxes ,and the transcripts be freely available to anyone who wants to search them. At the very least searching should be free, and you should only have to pay for a record that you know is the right one.
Dorothy Coe
Family Names: Coe, Atkinson, Kerney, Ramsay, McGregor, McCurrach, McNaughton, Mackie, Horne, Cordiner, Milne, Porter, Gibson

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Post by CatrionaL » Wed Aug 08, 2007 12:32 pm

Hi Dorothy

I've found that 'duds' are worth keeping and filing in a separate folder. As our tree develops new branches and as we move further back, some of these 'duds' turn out to be connected to our tree, even if distantly.

Best wishes
