Henry & Sarah Wright - Creswell, Derbyshire

Churchyards and Monumental Inscriptions, Burial and headstone information

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Henry & Sarah Wright - Creswell, Derbyshire

Post by barnsleymeth2000 » Tue Nov 03, 2020 8:24 pm


Henry Wright was buried on 31 03 1922 after a pit accident at Creswell Colliery and Sarah was buried on 18 02 1931 at the same cemetery. It says on a web site Elmton cum, Creswell Derby Parish. It says St Peters Church. Unable to find a plot no. Tried contacting the church and got no info at help and also tried phoning Parish Council. Any more suggestions how to find my grand parents resting place.

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Re: Henry & Sarah Wright - Creswell, Derbyshire

Post by jgmills » Tue Nov 03, 2020 10:36 pm

I would suggest Derby Council Cemeteries department, would be the best bet, they would possibly control burials in the Area, and should hold lair records. Though like all places may not be open with Covid lockdown.


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Re: Henry & Sarah Wright - Creswell, Derbyshire

Post by barnsleymeth2000 » Tue Nov 03, 2020 11:59 pm

Thank you for this information. I shall see what I can find out.


Re: Henry & Sarah Wright - Creswell, Derbyshire

Post by arthurk » Wed Nov 04, 2020 12:45 pm

I don't think Derby City Council will be able to help on this occasion, as (a) it's not in their area, and (b) it's a churchyard, not a council cemetery.

Sometimes burial registers include a reference to the burial plot, but these ones don't. (They're available at Ancestry, and I've checked.) A few parishes have churchyard plans or grave registers, but this one doesn't. See Derbyshire Record Office's notes on grave registers at https://recordoffice.wordpress.com/2020 ... e-burials/

Some FHS's have transcribed memorials - in this case it would be Derbyshire FHS or Chesterfield & District FHS. I can't see anything for Elmton or Creswell in their lists, but it might be worth asking them specifically.

According to Genuki (https://www.genuki.org.uk/big/eng/DBY/Elmton) there's a local history section at Creswell Library, so they might be able to advise - see https://www.derbyshire.gov.uk/leisure/l ... brary.aspx

Beyond that, you might be in the situation many of us find ourselves - we know which churchyard, but not the exact spot. Sometimes you can locate a row of graves with memorials that were first dug in the same year as your ancestor was buried, but it's a bit hit and miss.

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Re: Henry & Sarah Wright - Creswell, Derbyshire

Post by barnsleymeth2000 » Fri Nov 06, 2020 2:35 am

Thank you for everyone's help. I think I have exhausted my lines of enquiry. I did contact someone in Creswell and they looked in the grave yard but could not find anything and Matlock district looked for me as well and put me in contact with a history group. Nothing came of it.