Definition of Mother in Law? .....

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Post by HK » Tue Dec 14, 2004 4:19 pm

Quick Moonwatcher we've got the forum to ourselves.You can have the comfy chair and I'll change the tartin curtins.Do you think they'll like Johnstone? :lol: HK

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Post by Moonwatcher » Tue Dec 14, 2004 4:24 pm


If I received any kind of foodstuff from my MiL I'd have the sniffer dogs on it right away and it sent straight to a forensic lab!

When she used to come visiting, the mice would throw themselves on the traps!
[credit to Les Dawson on that one]



Post by HK » Tue Dec 14, 2004 4:31 pm

Can I borrow it too?We went for a visit last summer.(It had been 3 years and I missed my Mum.)Had to stock up on valium before the trip.My husband asked if it was for me or did I plan on slipping her some to see if she'd mellow?He told me not to bother as she was immune.HK

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Post by Moonwatcher » Tue Dec 14, 2004 4:36 pm

So who wiz this auld wummin Kelly then? Ye kin jist imagine the Wilsons aw roon eh table oan census night, bae the parafin lamp, fillin oot the foarm an lookin ower at ‘Ma Kelly’.

‘So who’s she?’
‘She’s yer Mother in Law!’
‘She’s no mine ah thoat she wiz yours!’
‘She’s no mine!’
‘Well who the hell is she then?’
‘Never mine, jist pit urr name doon an wull claim eh benefit oan eh aul bugger!’

Them wurr the days.


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Post by Andy » Tue Dec 14, 2004 4:59 pm

Hi Bob,

Can you give us some names, ages and places I'll have a wee bash trying to find Margaret Kelly in 1881 (very common name though, my mum's name is Margaret Kelly)


Searching for Keogh, Kelly, Fitzgerald, Riddell, Stewart, Wilson, McQuilkin, Lynch, Boyle, Cairney, Ross, King, McIlravey, McCurdy, Drennan and Woods (to name but a few).

Also looking for any information on Rathlin Island, County Antrim, Ireland.


Post by HK » Tue Dec 14, 2004 5:11 pm

Your probably right on track with the honorary title .They probably had a right rotter and decided to get a nicer one at the farmers market .(just for show you understand)The conversation was probably like this:
MA:Were having a family do on thursday naight.
PA:Can Mother Kelly make it or do we have to have" tha' othir ane?"
I should have looked into that with all my other wedding preperations.You can rent a date why not a Mother-in-law for special occasions.Then she couldn't complain she wasn't invited either.Hmmm.Have to pass that one on to my own weens for future reference.

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Post by Moonwatcher » Tue Dec 14, 2004 5:22 pm

Hi Andy

Nice to see you on the new Group.

It’s actually Margret Kelly [sic]

We’ve actually discussed this particular woman before you and I! A long time ago when I think it was ‘Eileen’ gave you info about some of her ancestors who lived in the Glasgow area - Margaret and James Kelly. There were many similarities which prompted me to ‘butt in’ on your discussions at the time. Alas no connection could be made.

It’s the 1891 census for William Wilson at 33 Rosemount St, Glasgow.

William Wilson Head
Mary J Wilson Wife
Alice Wilson Dau
William G Wilson Son
Robert J Wilson Son
Catherine Wilson Dau
Lousinda Wilson Dau
Margret Kelly Mother in Law 60 Widow Farmworker

Margret Kelly does not appear with the family in the 1901 census, although there is a couple in the area, but none who tie in.

Mary Jane’s M/S is McKinney or Mackenzie but she was previously married as Butler.

Pretty complicated stuff. And of course the family originated from Ireland, probably northern.

Thanks Andy


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Post by DavidWW » Tue Dec 14, 2004 8:12 pm

HeatherK wrote:That's why we live in Nova Scotia (had to retype that 3x ,it's like checking your zip is up.) ....snipped.......... :D HK
Sorry about that :mrgreen:



Post by HK » Tue Dec 14, 2004 8:29 pm

Not a problem.I thought it was funny too once I finally caught it.Course the funny part was how long I was fluttering around thinking I had it.As I said before."D'oh".You do realize that until very recently my days have been spent with the Seseme Street crowd .

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ma kelly

Post by BillyF » Wed Dec 15, 2004 3:17 pm

Hi moon , where wiz yur elusive MIL born an staying fur the 1881 cen
researching the Fleming,Bennett,Brannigan,Mooney,McIlroy, Stewart & Gamble families