21 Hope Street Glasgow

Birth, Marriage, Death

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Re: 21 Hope Street Glasgow

Post by SarahND » Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:01 pm

Hello John L. Scott and [TS_welcome]
Thank you for your fascinating personal additions to this topic. It is wonderful when someone is able to flesh out a story and describe a place.
Look forward to seeing you on the forum in future!

All the best,

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Re: 21 Hope Street Glasgow

Post by joette » Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:39 pm

Yes John Welcome to [talkingscot] and out of curiosity where do your Scotts originate from?
Jeannette Scott
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Re: 21 Hope Street Glasgow

Post by Laura » Fri Jan 04, 2013 1:26 am

Thank you for posting the links to this address. My great aunt was also married at 21 Hope Street, Glasgow, in 1914. I became curious about the address because it was not the usual residence of the bride or groom so I did a Google and found this discussion. I now notice that the other couple whose record appears on the same page as my great aunt were also married at the same address. Now I have an interesting note to record about the address.

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Re: 21 Hope Street Glasgow

Post by alisonashwell » Wed Nov 19, 2014 10:41 am

I found the forum whilst searching for 21 Hope street, since it was the address given on the registartion of my grandparents marriage by declaration in 1927, so appologies for reviving an old thread.
It is interesting that it this addresss was found in other people's marriage by declaration records.
I now have to work out why my grandparents who were supposed to be working in London [scots guards and ladys maid ] gave info that my grandfather was a steelworker [he had been in police in edinburgh before joining Royals Scots in ww1, then joined scots guards after war ended , then re-joined the police in lanarkshire after the scots guards and as far as i can tell was never a steelworker ] and that they were living together in lanark.

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Re: 21 Hope Street Glasgow

Post by SarahND » Wed Nov 19, 2014 10:46 am

Hello Alison and [TS_welcome]

Mysterious indeed! One wonders why he didn't want to give out his correct occupation :? Good luck figuring this out! Sounds like a fascinating puzzle.

All the best,

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Re: 21 Hope Street Glasgow

Post by alisonashwell » Wed Nov 19, 2014 11:12 am

SarahND wrote:Hello Alison and [TS_welcome]

Mysterious indeed! One wonders why he didn't want to give out his correct occupation :? Good luck figuring this out! Sounds like a fascinating puzzle.

Thanks for the welcome, Sarah
My husband speculated that grampa may have needed permission from commanding officer in Guards and was reluctant to ask for permission for some reason and therefore gave wrong occupation. I am hoping that his service records will shed some light on this.
I know that near the end of my gran's life she mentioned somewhat cryptically that her brother came up to scotland from Glouscester in 1930ish to investigate why she was living on her own with 2 kids and my grampa was living in barracks [ possibly police barracks ] They may have had some sort of religious blessing ceremony at the brother's insistence and then started living together in Motherwell.
It is so strange to have this mystery so close in time and yet so hard to find out about. My dad had no idea about any of it.

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Re: 21 Hope Street Glasgow

Post by BrainA » Mon May 04, 2015 10:04 am

I came across an interesting reference to 21 Hope Street, Glagow. This is from the wartime Mass Observation diary of 'Pam Ashford' living in Glasgow during WWII (published in "We Are At War", 2009). Pam worked for the Forth and Clyde Coal Co. 21 Hope Street prior to and during part of the war. Her diary entry for Sat. 2 September 1939 records, "On the floor below is a lawyer who arranges marriages and there are such a lot of couples getting married." The F&C was on the third floor of the building. I didn't know lawyers could arrange marriages in this way, but apparently marriages also took place in this building.

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Re: 21 Hope Street Glasgow

Post by AndrewP » Mon May 04, 2015 6:12 pm

BrainA wrote:Her diary entry for Sat. 2 September 1939 records, "On the floor below is a lawyer who arranges marriages and there are such a lot of couples getting married." The F&C was on the third floor of the building. I didn't know lawyers could arrange marriages in this way, but apparently marriages also took place in this building.
Hi Brian,

The Marriage (Scotland) Act 1939 did away with two forms of irregular marriage in Scotland from July 1940. One of these forms of irregular marriage was "marriage by declaration of present consent". The declaration seems to have been made in the presence of a solicitor, and if the couple wished to register the marriage, then the declaration would be presented to the sheriff. After approval by the sheriff, the marriage could be registered, and thus we genealogists can find a record of the marriage on ScotlandsPeople. The majority of these marriage records that I have seen show the marriage to have been declared at a solicitor's office, close to the sheriff court.

In my research of my family tree, I have found 24 such marriages dating from 1891 to 1938.

All the best,


Lynne C.
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Re: 21 Hope Street Glasgow

Post by Lynne C. » Sun Jan 10, 2016 7:16 pm

I also have a Grand Uncle and a Grand Aunt (siblings) who both list 21 Hope St., Glasgow on their marriage certificates. 1916 And 1919 respectively.

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Re: 21 Hope Street Glasgow

Post by Wildgoose1uk » Wed Sep 18, 2024 9:14 pm

I know this is a very old topic but I think I found them!!

Watson, Robt, writer and notary public, 21 Hope st.;
ho. 8 Fife ave., Cardonald.

https://digital.nls.uk/directories/brow ... nscription