My grandmother was born Isabella Whyte (deceased), Blackburn, 1920. Her biological father was unknown until recently when I found her birth certificate. His name was Archibald Whyte but I don't know much about him except when my grandmother was born, his residence was (I think) Barraton Farm, Sandbank, Argyll. I'm led to believe this is Dunoon. I am unsure about the name of the farm and wondering if anyone knew anything about the farm or have I got the right name?
The URL with part of the extract (well, the bit that contains the information) is below:
I had to scan this in and it is as good as I can get it.
The story in the family that Archibald was killed on a farm by a bull (this is certainly what my grandmother believed) but I don't know if I believe that given that my grandmother was known as Forrester (mother's maiden name) then Renfrew (adopted father's name). The adopted father was married to her mother in 1923. There seems to be cover up going on
