Banging my head against the wall

Birth, Marriage, Death

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Banging my head against the wall

Post by billymac » Sun Jan 08, 2023 10:24 am

Hello all,
I have hit a brick wall with my great-great grandmother. She was Elizabeth Greer, nee Carruthers, born Lochgrey, Cadder in 1857. She was the daughter of Thomas Carruthers and Elizabeth Docherty, both born in Ireland. In 1861, at 4 years of age, she is living with her maternal aunt, Anne Broadly’s (nee Docherty) family (I have the S.P. census image). Incidentally the surname varies, as in Crothers, Cruthers and Carruthers.
I also had an Ancestry result of that 1861 census showing her father, Thomas Carruthers, with his brother Francis, living at “Gows land, Bayhill, village of Springburn”. I have always been bothered by the knowledge gap as to what happened to her mother. I noticed recently that the 1861 Ancestry hit, while extensive, did not include “condition” regarding Thomas. On a whim I obtained the matching S.P. image and thankfully it revealed he was a “widower”. So, the elder Elizabeth has died. Thomas later remarried.
Sadly, I have not been able to find a death registration anywhere for Elizabeth Carruthers, nee Docherty, which should have occurred between 1856 and 1861, most likely in the Cadder area. Elizabeth Docherty was the daughter of Patrick Docherty and Margaret Haggerty.
Additionally, I was curious about the younger Elizabeth post 1861. I have her married to Archibald Greer (they married in Ireland) in the 1881 Scotland census but there was no hit with her in 1871 on S.P. I did get a valid Ancestry result as per the image below but cannot get a match for that image on S.P. I have tried different combinations of the people in that image in the search parameters but still, no go.
Any idea on where I can go from here?
Best regards,
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Re: Banging my head against the wall

Post by AndrewP » Sun Jan 08, 2023 10:58 am

Hi Bill,

The death certificate of Elizabeth (senior) is there on ScotlandsPeople, but only in her maiden name "Elizabeth Doherty" in 1859. On looking at the certificate, it shows the deceased as "Elizabeth Doherty, wife of a ploughman", informant to the registrar as "Thomas Carruthers (his X-mark), widower", and cause of death "child bearing".

Your 1871 census entry from Ancestry can be found on ScotlandsPeople if you look for Isabella Barr, age 35. On looking at the handwritten text on that SP census page, the 14-year-old servant is written there as "Elis Carruthers" and is in the SP index as "Elis Carruthes".

You can "Report an Issue" to SP and say that Carruthers is mis-indexed. The final 'r' looks legible to me.

All the best,


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Re: Banging my head against the wall

Post by billymac » Sun Jan 08, 2023 12:16 pm

Andrew, Andrew, Andrew. =D>
How can I ever thank you enough? You have filled a gap that has been plaguing me for years. I have purchased the images you outlined for my collection. Goodness me, that makes my total purchased images now 493, and worth every penny.
I have reported the probable indexing error as per your susgestion.
Scotlands People is the finest example of how records should be done.
My best regards,