Charles Edward Kidd's death

Birth, Marriage, Death

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Post by DavidWW » Fri Mar 17, 2006 1:08 pm

ninatoo wrote:Rita, thanks for the links...I appreciate it. At least I know there was some form of horse racing at Irvine. My Carsons did move to Kilmarnock some time before 1914, but it was till most helpful.
See ... Irvine.htm for a few details of Bogside Racecourse.


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Post by ninatoo » Fri Mar 17, 2006 1:23 pm

Thanks David...but which page is it on? I must be tired or something, can't find it!


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Post by DavidWW » Fri Mar 17, 2006 4:16 pm

ninatoo wrote:Thanks David...but which page is it on? I must be tired or something, can't find it!

Hi Nina

Use the {Ctrl}{F} technique to find the reference ...............


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Post by ninatoo » Sat Mar 18, 2006 1:15 am

Thanks David...yes I must have been tired.

From the name Bogside Racecourse, I was able to find out quite a lot about the place, and some clues as to how the family story I have of being racecourse owners turned into a Chinese Whispers game over time.

Still no joy over Charles Edward Kidd. I am wondering if he died in England or Ireland, so will try my luck there.

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Post by ninatoo » Mon Jun 05, 2006 8:56 am

:oops: :oops: :oops:

Well, today I got bored so started looking at my Carson branch again. And I found a piece of information which might possibly explain why I didn't find the death of Charles Kidd.

I read the RCE on the side of the page and found out that it says in nice BIG letters (how could I have MISSED IT?) this enlightening little note:

"Bigamy. See Reg of Corr Entries Vol 10 P 2 26 September 1905"

That will teach me not to read sideways!

Mary Hyslop Carson was a bigamist! Well it doesn't actually say who IS the bigamist, but it has to be her, doesn't it?

Now the weird thing is that I have tried to find some sort of record of this at NAS and Scotsman Archives, but there is nothing. What would happen after a bigamy case? Would the bigamist go to jail? What about their first marriage? I am so full of questions!

Now I am off to try and find Charles again,

Researching: Easton ( Renfrewshire, Dunbarton and Glasgow), Corr (Londonderry and Glasgow), Carson (Co. Down, Irvine, Ayrshire and Glasgow), Logan (Londonderry and Glasgow)

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Post by ASGROOMBRIDGE » Mon Jun 05, 2006 9:11 am

Good morning Ninatoo,

What a great if frustrating story, have you tried searching

This is the National Archives of Scotland, if she or he was a Bigamist it may have went to trial.

Looking for McGowan Anderson Fleming Sommerville Waddell in Lanarkshire. Semple Murray Baird Thompson Hutchinson in Annan Dumfriesshire Baird and Hutchinson also in Kirkinner Wigtonshire and Semple family of Annan Glasgow and Edinburgh

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Post by ninatoo » Mon Jun 05, 2006 12:05 pm

Hi Audrey,

Yes I did search there, all three surnames, but to no avail. I can't help feeling this woman must have lived a very distressed life. I would love to find just a shred of proof of the real story behind all of these pieces of paper.

Researching: Easton ( Renfrewshire, Dunbarton and Glasgow), Corr (Londonderry and Glasgow), Carson (Co. Down, Irvine, Ayrshire and Glasgow), Logan (Londonderry and Glasgow)

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Post by SarahND » Mon Jun 05, 2006 3:41 pm

Hi Nina,

I think I found your Charles Kidd as a groom at the Harlem Jockey Club in Harlem Village, Proviso Township, Cook County, Illinois in the 1900 census :D

It says he was born in June 1870 in Scotland


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Post by SarahND » Mon Jun 05, 2006 4:12 pm

...And it appears to be him, as a private coachman, in Chicago in 1920. He is indexed as being 44 years old, but in the original I think it says 49.
Also, his year of immigration is indexed as 1890, but could be 1896... so he took off right after the wedding?!

I can’t find him in 1930.

Here are some possible deaths in Illinois: ... hsrch.html

Illinois Statewide Death Index, 1916–1950
KIDD CHARLES 1927-06-22 COOK BREMEN TWP 27-07-07
KIDD CHARLES H 1935-02-05 COOK CHICAGO 35-02-07

All the best,

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Post by ninatoo » Mon Jun 05, 2006 9:59 pm

Wow Sarah,

Well I know Charles was not in Scotland in the 1901 so this could well be him. I have his birthday as 12 May, but maybe they didn't celebrate birthdays so much then so he wasn't sure of the exact month.

He and Mary married August 1896. I had presumed that when she remarried in 1905 Charles must have objected and filed the bigamy complaint but of course it could have been anyone who let the cat out of the bag, or the officials may have spotted it themselves..who knows.

I do know that when Mary remarried for a third time there was no mention of the Kidd surname, but she called herself Mary Carson or Fleming...if she was ashamed of a bigamous marriage to Andrew Fleming, I don't think she would have done that. I am thinking that her and Andrew stayed together anyway. I just need to find his death to prove it, but there are quite a few...and I HOPE she didn't do it again...hehe!!

Was there a seven year law? The one that says if a husband has disappeared for that amount of time the marriage is dissolved? Perhaps the charge of bigamy was dropped, but since I can't find any mention of it anywhere I may never know. Unless the RCE's will tell me something!

Researching: Easton ( Renfrewshire, Dunbarton and Glasgow), Corr (Londonderry and Glasgow), Carson (Co. Down, Irvine, Ayrshire and Glasgow), Logan (Londonderry and Glasgow)