Part of my family were crofters in the Highlands (around Fort William) who, it seems, were caught up in what has to be the most disgraceful era in Scottish history, the Clearances. And I came across a lovely little book on the subject at the Museum of Island Life on Skye http://www.skyemuseum.co.uk/ .
Although it deals largely with the islands and the places where most of those cleared ended up, it gives great insight into the effects the attrocity had on those left behind, as well as on those who left, and their descendents. Although a few years old now (this is an updated version of an earlier publication from the '70s) it's certainly one of the best books I've come across on the subject, and spouts none of the usual nonsense you come across by so-called experts on the subject who seem convinced that it was all a jolly adventure that most of those involved wanted and, indeed, did well out of.
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Crofters-Trail- ... 184158455X