BOOK SEARCH - Please help!

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Mykayla's Gran
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BOOK SEARCH - Please help!

Post by Mykayla's Gran » Sun Jan 14, 2007 11:57 pm

The MacGillivrays of Skye
by Harold A Steiner; Doris McGilvary Steiner

Unknown Binding: 595 pages
Publisher: Las Vegas, Nev. : Haldor Co (1985)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 096145170X

I’m trying to find a copy of the above book written by American, Harold Steiner and his wife Doris which mentions ancestors of mine (and Doris’ presumably). It’s now out of print but my local library requested a search at the National Library of Scotland and the British Library. One copy was found at the National Library of Scotland but they wouldn’t lend it.

I know there is a fragile but very precious copy at the Clan Donald Library on the Isle of Skye but I’m not sure when I’ll be back there, and in any case I would really like to have my own copy if possible.

If anyone happens to be browsing in their local second-hand book shop and comes across a copy I would be eternally grateful if they could let me know.

Many thanks!

McGillivray Nicolson SKYE
Whyte Grant Keith Roberts Low Wright Lamond Wilson Walker ANGUS
Morrison Forbes Gillan BANFFSHIRE
Chalmers Crighton Cleugh FIFE
McGrath Gibb IRELAND (Westmeath?)

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Post by LesleyB » Mon Jan 15, 2007 12:06 am

Hi Vee
I'm sure you'll have looked already, but there is no sign of anything on Abe Books or second-hand on Amazon, but worth trying regularly at both places as well, just incase. And ebay!

Best wishes

Mykayla's Gran
Posts: 46
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Location: Dundee, Scotland

Post by Mykayla's Gran » Mon Jan 15, 2007 12:52 am

Hi Lesley

Thanks for the quick response! Yes, I've tried Abe Books, Amazon, ebay and I Google every now and then, but no luck so far. I live in hope though - there must be a copy gathering dust on a bookshelf somewhere. I just wish I knew where [sigh]


Vee :)
McGillivray Nicolson SKYE
Whyte Grant Keith Roberts Low Wright Lamond Wilson Walker ANGUS
Morrison Forbes Gillan BANFFSHIRE
Chalmers Crighton Cleugh FIFE
McGrath Gibb IRELAND (Westmeath?)

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Post by DavidWW » Mon Jan 15, 2007 8:52 am

Mykayla's Gran wrote:Hi Lesley

Thanks for the quick response! Yes, I've tried Abe Books, Amazon, ebay and I Google every now and then, but no luck so far. I live in hope though - there must be a copy gathering dust on a bookshelf somewhere. I just wish I knew where [sigh]


Vee :) ??


Mykayla's Gran
Posts: 46
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Location: Dundee, Scotland

Post by Mykayla's Gran » Mon Jan 15, 2007 10:19 pm

Hi David. No joy there either I'm afraid. Thanks for your input though. I appreciate it!


Vee :)
McGillivray Nicolson SKYE
Whyte Grant Keith Roberts Low Wright Lamond Wilson Walker ANGUS
Morrison Forbes Gillan BANFFSHIRE
Chalmers Crighton Cleugh FIFE
McGrath Gibb IRELAND (Westmeath?)

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Post by Davie » Tue Jan 16, 2007 7:29 pm

Hi Vee,
I have asked several dealers if they had ever come across the book.
So far I have had 19 reples.
Not one has ever had on ther' shelves and like masel, most of them had heard of it.
Mind you, I got offered several other tomes on the Island.
Are you certain the NLS has a copy?
I travel regurarly to book fairs and will be at another one in Bath this year.
I find it odd that a book published in 1985 should be fragile.
Will keep ma eyes open furr ye.

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Post by AndrewP » Tue Jan 16, 2007 7:42 pm

Davie wrote:Are you certain the NLS has a copy?
Hi Davie,

The MacGillivrays of Skye by Harold A. Steiner and Doris McGilvary Steiner shows up in the NLS online index as stored offsite from the library and is currently in transit.

The Edinburgh City libraries online index shows the book as being available. From the description, I think it is in the Scottish Library room of the Central Library. It is descibed as being in the reference section, so will not be available for public lending. I don't know if they would allow it to go out on an inter-library loan for reading in a library elsewhere.

All the best,


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Post by nancy » Tue Jan 16, 2007 8:43 pm

Hi Vee
I phoned local secondhand bookshop in Paisley,and lady said she hadn't heard of that book in yrs! Gave me number for an Edinburgh Gentleman,and I left details.He hasn't got back to me yet. :cry:

However,i'll keep a lookout.

I'm always searching for Old Paisley books,but an awful lot are out of print.
To date i've about seven,but always check out the charity shops,as I got a Friths picture book of Glasgow and Clydeside for TWO POUNDS :D :D :D

Good luck


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Post by Davie » Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:06 pm

Not one has ever had on ther' shelves and like masel, most of them had heard of it.
Never said ah wis too bright.
That above statement should have read.
"And like masel most of them had NEVER heard of it"
Sorry aboot that.
But noo yoose aw know that ye never trust oany record until ye kin confirm it.
Wance again, ma mistook

Mykayla's Gran
Posts: 46
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Location: Dundee, Scotland

Post by Mykayla's Gran » Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:28 pm

Hi Davie :)

(I knew what you meant - I do that ALL the time, just to give my family and friends a wee chuckle you understand ... :lol: )

Anyway, thanks a lot for your help. It’s very much appreciated! The copy in the Clan Donald Centre in Skye was donated to them by a private individual so even they didn’t have an original. I’m beginning to wonder how many were printed – after all it would have a very limited client base!

The main library in Dundee submitted an Inter Library Loan Request to the National Library of Scotland and also to the British Library on my behalf. A copy was found in the former but they “declined to lend”. So … I’ll just have to keep looking. I appreciate you going to all this trouble!

Thanks again!

Kind regards -

McGillivray Nicolson SKYE
Whyte Grant Keith Roberts Low Wright Lamond Wilson Walker ANGUS
Morrison Forbes Gillan BANFFSHIRE
Chalmers Crighton Cleugh FIFE
McGrath Gibb IRELAND (Westmeath?)