Helen Taylor Elder

Parish Records and other sources

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Helen Taylor Elder

Post by smiddykilry » Thu Jul 12, 2018 5:13 pm

Looking for information on Helen's mother Elizabeth Drummond, Helen was born 1854 In Crieff (census records) Perthshire. Her marriage record to William Turner in 1878 Tibbermore records her parents as David Elder and Elizabeth Elder M.S. Drummond witness Annie Elder who could be her 1/2 sister or her step mother (Annie McConnachie) Have not found anything in the OPR's or on ScotlandsPeople that links David with Elizabeth or a birth record for Helen. I have her in the 1861 census with David and Annie in Forgandenny and David in the Forgandenny 1851 census unmarried. ](*,)

Many Thanks
Dunn, Rough, Smith, Bruce, Paterson, Paton. Wylie,
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Re: Helen Taylor Elder

Post by WilmaM » Thu Jul 12, 2018 9:18 pm

How accurate do you think the marriage details are?

I ask as, if she is with her Father & step-mother in 1861 then she would have been very young when her mother died, and so knowledge of her mother's maiden name could be sketchy. Did she have other siblings? if so you could check what details they have on their marriage or death certificates.

There are a few Elizabeth Drummonds of the right age range in the 1851 Perthshire census - but no way of tying them to your family.

I can't see a death for an Elder/Drummond female post- 1855, so it could be her mother died when she was born [before registration began].
No sign of a Drummond/Elder Marriage either - I wonder how complete the Crieff records are ?

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Re: Helen Taylor Elder

Post by smiddykilry » Mon Jul 16, 2018 4:25 pm

Hi WilmaM
I feel that the marriage record is correct because of the other family member present as a witness, Helen could have just recorded Annie Elder as her mother (McConnachie) but she was recorded as Elizabeth Elder M.S. Drummond or maybe Helen did not want to be recorded as illegitimate :oops:

Regards Smid
Dunn, Rough, Smith, Bruce, Paterson, Paton. Wylie,
Stewart, Reid, Gardiner, Rollo, Turner, Dutch, Laing, Forsyth, Robb, Hardie.
Kennedy, Kandow, Winter, Vollum, Hastie.

Posts: 1892
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Re: Helen Taylor Elder

Post by WilmaM » Mon Jul 16, 2018 4:54 pm

I don't think any of the witnesses would have read the parents details, the info you see on a marriage record onSP is written in after the event ( unlike birth and death where the informants signature is in the official book) what the bridal part etc sign is a marriage schedule, that's returned to the office for the marrige to be officially recorded.

You may find that the Drummond bit is another family mrmbvers name, perhaps a grandmother or somebody who cared for her before her father married or remarried.

Posts: 112
Joined: Thu Jun 16, 2005 8:28 am
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Re: Helen Taylor Elder

Post by smiddykilry » Tue Jul 17, 2018 2:27 pm

Hi WilmaM
Thanks for the reply, in any case the information recorded would have come from the participants involved I suppose at the registration of the marriage. David Elder and Annie McConnahie went on to have a large family in Forgandenny / Dunning all recorded after 1855. There is a marriage record for David Elder and Ann Conachar (spelling?) in St Martins Perthshire in 1853 if this is the same couple it would be before the supposed birth of Helen in 1854 in Crieff. Your right there are a few Elizabeth Drummonds of the right age around Perthshire at the time maybe she just gave Helen over to the father to look after who knows!

Best Regards
Dunn, Rough, Smith, Bruce, Paterson, Paton. Wylie,
Stewart, Reid, Gardiner, Rollo, Turner, Dutch, Laing, Forsyth, Robb, Hardie.
Kennedy, Kandow, Winter, Vollum, Hastie.