Records from the Scottish Catholic Archive go online

Records from the Scottish Catholic Archives

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Records from the Scottish Catholic Archive go online

Post by AndrewP » Tue Oct 06, 2009 8:39 am

It has been announced on BBC Radio Scotland and on the internet that records from the Scottish Catholic Archives will be released on ScotlandsPeople today, 6th October 2009.
The Press Association website wrote:Salmond launches Catholic archives

First Minister Alex Salmond will be joined by the head of the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland to launch a new national archive.

Cardinal Keith O'Brien will be in Edinburgh as the Scottish Catholic Archives go online.

They contain information about the births, baptisms and burials of Scottish Catholics between 1703 and 1908.

Civil registrations only started in Scotland in 1855 and the new information from Catholic church records will add two million names to the ScotlandsPeople website.

They cover key moments in European history including the flight of the French Royals and the growth of Catholic communities in Scotland.

The First Minister and Cardinal O'Brien will be joined by Registrar General Duncan Macniven.

A similar exercise has already been undertaken in conjunction with the Church of Scotland.
All the best,


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Post by AndrewP » Tue Oct 06, 2009 8:40 am

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