Ooh! OOh! I've just demolished a brick wall!!
Well, not a really BIG one, mind you, but it's always great to have confirmation of a long suspected individual's connection to the tree. I now have proof that someone I thought was my 5X great grandmother's brother
IS her brother. I knew he existed as he was witness to 5X g-gran's sister's wedding, but it didn't say
how he was related or anything. Also I couldn't find anyone that fitted on the censuses, deaths, marriages etc, so I just kept him on the 'back burner'.....and today I found him!
My Thomas O'Brien and Mary Glancy from Co. Leitrim had a child baptised in 1848, sponsor Catherine Cassidy. Just down from them on the same page is a Patrick Glancy and his wife Matilda Rooney having a child baptised, and the sponsor is again Catherine Cassidy. So that was enough connection to get me searching. I managed to find them on the 1851 census and found a couple of children's births.
The bad news is that they seem to have disappeared before the 1861 census. My guess is that they went back to Ireland.
But the good news is they had a son born in 1855!
Bad news was that it was a horrendous copy, and I could barely make out a word, except for the word "Leitrim".

So I guess that was GOOD news!
I have asked SP for a better copy and the wonderful Roslyn has already acknowledged my email, so it shouldn't be long.
Now if only I can find out who the heck is Catherine Cassidy?

Researching: Easton ( Renfrewshire, Dunbarton and Glasgow), Corr (Londonderry and Glasgow), Carson (Co. Down, Irvine, Ayrshire and Glasgow), Logan (Londonderry and Glasgow)