My G-grandfather Thomas Lynch is a family mystery. He appears in Glasgow in 1868 with partner Margaret Cassidy, with the recording of the birth of their eldest child, and according to the 1871 census both were born in Dundee, Thomas around 1833, Margaret around 1841. On his death in 1889 his 20-year-old son Thomas (my grandfather) reported his father's parents to be Michael Lynch, weaver, and Margaret McTaggart.
I have never found any trace of him earlier (except for a possible marriage to Euphemia Low in 1850, with son James born the next year, which a TS forum member alerted me to).
Now in the Catholic records I've found the birth of a Thomas Lynch, in 1830, baptised 6 months later in Jan 1831, to a Michael Lynch and Margaret Haghey (or Hagley or Waghey or just possibly Maghey, though the shaping of the first letter makes this unlikely). There seem to be no other records of births to this couple. It's a 'lawful' birth so they were married.
Poking round in the 1841 census for any of these names, I've found only one household in Angus with a Michael Lynch and it also includes people with a name transcribed as Mackley. Here's the info from freecen:
Well, I suppose that given that '20' in the 1841 census means approximately 20-24, this Michael could have been the very young father of the child born in 1830 - just - or this Michael could be a cousin, though the speculations start getting a bit remote. Perhaps he might be the eldest son of the couple whose child Thomas was baptised in 1831. In the 1851 census there's a Michael Linch, aged 35, who is 'cousin' of a head of household Betsey Monhey - as this bit of info is from an ancestry transcription the name could be anything really!MACKLEY Joseph M 25 Linen Hand Loom Weaver (born) England
MACKLEY Margaret F 20 Linen Hand Loom Weaver Ireland
LYNCH Michael M 20 Linen Hand Loom Weaver Ireland
LYNCH James M 14 Linen Hand Loom Weaver Ireland
I'm going round in circles and getting nowhere, indulging in too much speculation. So thought I'd run this by people.
Anybody got Lynches or McTaggarts or Hagleys...?
