Customs Officer

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Customs Officer

Post by niall » Tue Sep 04, 2007 6:54 pm

Is it possible to see records of officers circa 1780 based Glasgow. If poss, what info can be sourced?
Any help greatly received

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Joined: Fri Mar 18, 2005 12:18 am
Location: Scotland

Post by LesleyB » Tue Sep 04, 2007 10:33 pm

Hi Niall
This may of soem interest:
Excise staff records after 1707
Unfortunately most of the official staff (and other) records of the Scottish Excise were lost in a fire in the 19th century. To try and fill this gap, Mr J F Mitchell compiled information about excise officers between 1707 and 1830 from the surviving records held in the National Archives of Scotland and from other sources. The result was his biographical card index, which can be consulted in the NAS's West Search Room on microfilm (NAS ref. RH4/6/1-2). NAS also holds a list of all excise officers in 1743 (NAS ref. GD1/54/10). The Scottish Excise registers of appointments and removals, 1813-1829, are held by the NAS and contain excerpts from Board minutes concerning staff appointments, dismissals and removals (NAS ref. CE13). The Scottish Excise establishment minute books contain staff details for the period of the subordinate Scottish board between 1824 and 1830 (NAS ref. CE16). The records also include a list of all officers in 1794, noting the age of the officer and the number of his family (NAS ref. CE6/19).
As it does not state specifically Edinburgh, Glasgow or anywhere else my guess would be that it refers to the whole of Scotland.

Best wishes