Hi Alan, or should that be 'G'day Mate' !
[for those not conversant with practices in Australia, 'mate' has a very particular connotation and meaning; or at least used to until a couple of government scandals some years ago!]
Currie wrote:
Two decks' snipped .................
Hello David,
No, you’re wrong, I’m on top of the world, you’re down under, South is up.
All the best,
Given all my business travel down your way in the 70s and 80s, I'm very conscious of the different view of the world from your angle.
Which recalls the tale of the Aussie MD of the subsidiary of a UK company, for which I worked, who arrived at UK immigration at Heathrow in the late 70s not long after whichever discriminatory legislation was introduced which affected him; was refused entry as he hadn't the correct visa, not knowing that he should have applied for such. He just turned round, and continued with the rest of his planned European trip.
When he arrived in Munich he phoned the group MD in the UK to inform him of the situation, saying, inter alia, that he was sorry that he now wouldn't be able to hand over the not insubstantial dividend cheque from the Australian subsidiary!
Given the government contacts that the UK company had (amongst other things they produced all the UK banknote paper!) words were had in the right quarters, and, as a very, very special concession, the Aussie MD was permitted to enter the UK two weeks later................
In my later genealogical lecturing trips to Oz and that other country across the Tasman who you like to thump at whichever sport is involved, I was always very, very careful to use the world map version centred on the Pacific Ocean; on which, incidentally, way up top left, there's a tiny wee country called Scotland !
Another wee story - I just can't resist it, - to illustrate what, in NZ, is termed the '12,000 mile gap'.
I still recall the evening in Auckland, when I knocked my pan out over several hours, after a long working day, forbye, writing a 20 page telefax, in the knowledge that my colleagues back in the UK would have a whole working day to answer all my questions.
Result, in terms of an urgently needed reply next morning?, - zilch !
On matters more relevant to this thread, before I get told off by the moderater, we're obviously on the same wavelength and very much of like mind.
As regards your 'list of 75', given that you probably have very high quality info re the references, have you explored the option of using a record agent (a researcher researches, but a record agent just looks up the required records) to obtain photocopies from Kew of your list?
That written in the context of not knowing just what is the situation in terms of accessing the 1911 census records at their home in Kew, nor knowledge of the cost per such photocopy...............
Given that you can supply the exact reference details required, and assuming that there is a reasonably efficient computer system, then I'd be disappointed if such a record agent couldn't access 30 records/hour and 'hit the button' to order a copy; this in the context where such a record agent might not charge much more than £12/hr..............
Forget the idea, however, if a form has to be filled out by hand to request a copy ........