Wills & Testaments - change on SP?

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Wills & Testaments - change on SP?

Post by LesleyB » Mon Sep 20, 2010 5:04 pm

Hi all
I was looking at testaments on SP and noticed a change to how the summaries are now presented. Before the recent update it used to state how many pages were contained within each document, and as a cannie Scot I liked to see that I was getting my money's worth...e.g. if a will was only 2 pages for my £5 I knew it was unlikely to contain as much information as one which, for example, contained 17 pages. As far as I can see the number of pages in each document is no longer indicated.

This seems to me a major step backwards. If I knew which documents I wanted, based on all sorts of things, no. of pages often being a factor, and cost being also being a factor (especially if there was a testament & a couple of eiks for the same person...) I could budget as required and spend my money wisely. Now I've no idea which documents in the list are "worth it" for my research and as a direct result SP will lose out on some revenue because I will now wait until I can view them on virtual volumes at NAS when I am next in Edinburgh, rather than play an expensive game of "lucky dip" at a fiver a shot!

Best wishes

p.s. I should perhaps add that I have in the past also bought some documents which had few pages, but at least I knew what I was paying for!

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Re: Wills & Testaments - change on SP?

Post by AndrewP » Mon Sep 20, 2010 6:45 pm

Hi Lesley,

I have passed your comments on to ScotlandsPeople for their consideration.

All the best,


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Re: Wills & Testaments - change on SP?

Post by nelmit » Mon Sep 20, 2010 9:24 pm

I noticed it too and thought it was a step backwards.
