Royal Artillery

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Royal Artillery

Post by crayspond » Sat Jun 05, 2021 12:36 pm

Hello - Hoping I can get some help from the great minds of TS.
My Grandfather was estranged from my Grandmother after WW2 (maybe during or before). He was born and brought up in Clydebank Dunbartonshire birth 16 March 1901. They married in 1924 and had my uncle in 1924 followed by my mother in 1926. His name was Andrew Davis Hardie. They lived in Millport until 1939. My mother never spoke much about him. He went to war and instead of coming back to Scotland he settled with a woman and her son in Southampton. My Grandmother Jane Hardie m.s Rankin had a younger brother called Billy (William Ferguson Rankin) - he was sadly killed at the beginning of WW2 in June 1940 at Dunkirk. I have his details from the Commonwealth Graves and have been to visit the Memorial. The story goes that My grandfather and Billy both went over together to France. I assumed it was the same regiment as Billy was in the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. I have looked for Andrew Davis Hardie on many occasions but searching military records is not my strong point.
While looking through old photographs i came across one my Uncle (who lived in Canada) sent to my mother of their father. On the back he has written Andrew Davis Hardie
birth 16.03.1901
Army No: 825574
Royal Artillery Hitchen Dunkirk
The photograph has a head shot of him in uniform - no hat but a collar badge which does look like a Royal Artillery badge. (from looking online). I just wondered why he would join this Regiment and at his age (38) at the outbreak of war. I do remember my mother saying he and Billy were involved in the Territorial Army. That's about all I have to go on. I would appreciate any input. Thanks


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Re: Royal Artillery

Post by Currie » Sun Jun 06, 2021 9:37 am

Hello Ailsa,

British Army WW2 soldier’s service records are still held by the Ministry of Defence. I believe they still hold the records of anyone in service after 1921. ... es-records

ForcesWarRecords are claiming to have records of a matching A D Hardie but I’ve no idea what they could possibly be. I wouldn’t expect much, maybe a few crumbs. ... er=noOrder

Your William Ferguson Rankin, 2984337, was 8th Battalion, A & S.

"The 8th Battalion was also a Territorial Army (TA) unit serving with the 7th Battalion in the 154th (Highland) Infantry Brigade. The brigade was part of the 51st (Highland) Infantry Division in France in 1940 as part of the British Expeditionary Force. The 154th Brigade managed to be evacuated to England after the 51st (Highland) Division was forced to surrender on 12 June 1940." ... ighlanders

All the best,

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Re: Royal Artillery

Post by crayspond » Sun Jun 06, 2021 1:15 pm

Hi Alan,
Thanks for the information. The fact that Forces War Records have him listed is proof that I have the correct Regiment at least! All these years I thought he was also in the A & S. I'm not going to register with them as I don't like giving my credit details even though you can cancel. I'll wait until they do a free weekend :)
I do know quite a bit about William Ferguson Rankin. There's a Facebook page up about the 51st Highland Division at the moment. He was only 20 and was killed on the 8th June 1940. No body was found. Sad time for the family.
Again, thanks for the help and quick reply. Hope you are keeping well.


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Re: Royal Artillery

Post by WilmaM » Mon Jun 07, 2021 10:11 am

Hi Ailsa,
I had a look on Ancestry [it's free through many libraries just now]
There is a family tree with your Andrew D Hardie mentioned - but it isn't public.

Other than that I've found his death and remarriage details :
marriage: Edith E Ellis or Taylor in July 1952 Southampton
death: Oct - Dec 1982 also registered in Southampton

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Re: Royal Artillery

Post by crayspond » Mon Jun 07, 2021 12:18 pm

Hi WilmaM,

I hope you are well in these strange times. Thanks for the tip about the libraries. Our local library is only open part time now Tuesday afternoons and Thursday mornings - I'll check if i can access it online. I know quite a lot about my Hardie side of the family and the ancestry tree is probably mine! He was very naughty to get married as he was still married to my Gran - I don't think she would have known about it. We never really get the full story in these situations.

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Re: Royal Artillery

Post by WilmaM » Mon Jun 07, 2021 12:33 pm

Our Libraries are all open now but with restricted hours.
They are still giving us remote Ancestry access though - long may it continue!
Currently it's only for Full members.

I wonder what he told his new Mrs about his past?